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Ernie has a good interview with AK on movement drama πŸ”—

And by doing so make it clear that freedom is all about the ability to say NO. School and society really damages people with all this obedience training. Being free means your default answer is generally no rather than yes.

Guess how much of the hurricane damage was just from trashed F-22s πŸ”—

7.458bn dollars, down the drain. Guess that whole "can't fly in the rain" thing made it hard to get them out. That and the defective fuel lines, lol

Germany killing their Auto Industry with emissions standards πŸ”—

Though completely unprepared, looks like VW and Benz get to become EV manufacturers in short order.

Exxon now advocating for a Carbon Tax πŸ”—

If you weren't convinced it was a scam before...

Trump administration continues to sabotage NK peace deal πŸ”—

This time, by treating SK as if they were truly a vassal of the USA, not just a nudge, nudge, wink, wink "ally":
β€œWell, they won’t do it without our approval,” Trump said in the Oval Office on Wednesday when asked about reports Seoul is considering the idea. β€œThey do nothing without our approval.”
Sounds like it's time for SK to grow a pair. If they reached out to the right countries, they could turn this into a Suez moment for Uncle Sam.

Looks like a decent sized ancap Mastodon instance is up πŸ”—

When reading through the CoC for it, it seems like it'd be OK. My inner anarchist says "don't tell me what to do," lol. In any case, Anarchyball is on there, so...

Venezuela: 13% flight measured so far πŸ”—

If they keep it up, even more will leave, though some will starve.

"The Good Censor" πŸ”—

Just like "Don't be Evil", right?

How Amateur Rappers stole TransUnion's "Keys to the Kingdom" πŸ”—

TransUnion, as with the other credit bureaus, are fucking bozos. That's how.
When it came to law enforcement, TLO was more trusting. From the very beginning, the software was made available to any cop in the country who wanted it.
What do you expect, after giving it out like candy to the nations' largest crime gangs? That they'd actually vet people who accessed it appropriately?

That's a knee slapper if I've ever heard one.

Another boy falls to false sexual assault rumors πŸ”—

Good follow up to Buppert's piece the other day. Disgusting that the "Pence rule" is what society is being slowly forced into adopting.

More on Saudi stepping into the trap πŸ”—

These people really do not understand the "PHD secrets to elite thinking". A blog post to continue that series is building.

What's that? MORE Subprime you say? πŸ”—


ATLAS getting a lot more agile πŸ”—


Murphy smacks down the MMT morons once more πŸ”—

Good to see these idiots taken down a peg on a regular basis.

Sounds like the Army has been doing a lot of drugs πŸ”—

U.S. Army 1983: β€œBe Intellectually Prepared to React to Possible Encounters with Intelligent, Non-Corporal Energy Forms When Time-Space Boundaries Are Exceeded”

Yields outstripping inflation finally πŸ”—

Financial repression is over (for now). We'll see if the screamers for bailout start a knockin' soon, as this is behind the recent downturn in equities:
The S&P 500 dividend yield, at 1.89%, is no longer attractive at current stock prices. In addition, companies are free to slash their dividends – which happens during rough times for the company or the market. So dividend investors are taking significant risks for so-so yields.

Suddenly, many investors are beginning to struggle with a question: Would I rather make 2.7% guaranteed risk-free for a year, such as with Treasury securities, or risk losing 10% or 20% as I might in the stock market? The market could surge another 15%, but it could also do the opposite. Year-to-date, the S&P 500, after all the gyrations and volatility, is up only 2.0% (last time I looked) and is potentially just a rough day or two away from turning negative for the year.

MBS walked into a trap whacking Kashoggi πŸ”—

After they offered the guy up on a silver platter, they now shed crocodile tears in an effort to squeeze more $$$ out of Riyadh. Well played -- It's clear who the real gangsters are here.

Buppert's Latest πŸ”—

chuckles in collapsitarian

EU Fraud investigator raped to death πŸ”—

Europe sure is a dangerous place to fraud investigators, what with NATO/GLADIO types still lurking around.

Some interesting extra sauce to the Kavanaugh thing πŸ”—


India not playing ball with Uncle Sam πŸ”—

It really sounds like Team USA has bitten off more than they can chew, what with alienating the two largest nations in the world along with Russia and Iran.

Man, some people are really fucking stupid πŸ”—

The levels of fucked up this is has to be about as deep as the multi-level marketing scheme the organization selling it is.

Linus on getting cucked by the CoC πŸ”—

So in the end, my 'I really don't want to be too PC' stance simply became untenable. Partly because you definitely can find some emails from me that were simply completely unacceptable, and I need to fix that going forward. But to a large degree also because I don't want to be associated with a lot of the people who complain about excessive political correctness.
The chilling effect is real. Don't wanna look like a NAZI, even though that's utter garbage. The most intolerant minority wins again. He finally got tired of the screaming.

The Elon charged with Fraud πŸ”—

Yet the SEC only seeks to bar him from being CEO, not jail him. #Justice4Shkreli

Trump to sign spending bill without wall money πŸ”—

Cue Nelson Muntz laugh at his voters.

BONUS: Debt service soon to be #1 US expense, overtaking military spending. The noose tightens.

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