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India not playing ball with Uncle Sam πŸ”—

It really sounds like Team USA has bitten off more than they can chew, what with alienating the two largest nations in the world along with Russia and Iran.

Man, some people are really fucking stupid πŸ”—

The levels of fucked up this is has to be about as deep as the multi-level marketing scheme the organization selling it is.

Linus on getting cucked by the CoC πŸ”—

So in the end, my 'I really don't want to be too PC' stance simply became untenable. Partly because you definitely can find some emails from me that were simply completely unacceptable, and I need to fix that going forward. But to a large degree also because I don't want to be associated with a lot of the people who complain about excessive political correctness.
The chilling effect is real. Don't wanna look like a NAZI, even though that's utter garbage. The most intolerant minority wins again. He finally got tired of the screaming.

The Elon charged with Fraud πŸ”—

Yet the SEC only seeks to bar him from being CEO, not jail him. #Justice4Shkreli

Trump to sign spending bill without wall money πŸ”—

Cue Nelson Muntz laugh at his voters.

BONUS: Debt service soon to be #1 US expense, overtaking military spending. The noose tightens.

Luke hits it out of the park πŸ”—

I don't even have to do any other news roundup. He got it all.

Patriot act to be extended to cover the War on Whores πŸ”—

Barf bag required

Avenatti Bankrupt πŸ”—


To anyone who still thinks the schools are intended to "educate" you πŸ”—

It educated the natives, alright. Educated them good on how to comply or die.

False Left/Right paradigm continues to do its' zesty magic πŸ”—

Divide et empera. It's all about the FEELS now on both sides RE Kavanaugh. RIP #MeToo

Drain the Swamp, eh? πŸ”—

Man is hired to kick the "waste fraud and abuse" out of the pentagram, gets fired for doing exactly that seven months later.
This is the Boeing mafia in all of its glory,” the senior Pentagon official says. β€œAnyone who comes in here [to the Pentagon] will always have Jay Gibson’s experience as a marker. You think anyone who’s willing to take on the bureaucracy is going to want that job? No way. Budget reform is dead, d-e-a-d dead. So much for draining the swamp.

The latest E-Voting joke πŸ”—

Smartphone app for voting? On Android, no less? LOL

Political Illustration πŸ”—


IRS staying classy πŸ”—

What do you expect from the highway robber gang.

DD Press Conference πŸ”—

Closed captions reccomended.

Sounds like they made the right choice having Paloma take the helm. The liberals will likely have an even harder time taking her down than Cody. I'll be excited to hear any libertarian podcasts interview her soon.

Propaganda to smear Assange, in MY Guardian? πŸ”—

It's more likely than you think.

Internet Licensure effort going along swimmingly πŸ”—

Just waiting for the Web 2.0 "Fairness Doctrine" and FCC licensing at this point.

Corbett getting G-Lined further, hit pieces out πŸ”—

Seems to be a theme lately, apple is also jumping on the bandwagon.

China: We're going to save the world from the USA πŸ”—

Well, glad they realize who the "Evil Empire" is. I'm sure the NeoCons are already salivating for a pointless nuclear exchange.

BONUS: Some good conspiracy mongering here in case you are the type to shit your pants over China being the bogeyman.

UN: Assclowns on OpSec πŸ”—

File under "no surprise"

EU on Iran sanctions: Pound Sand πŸ”—

LOL, looks like the USA is doing it's damnedest to drive all it's allies into the arms of Russia through incompetence.

FBI's "Second Ledger" of Russia hysteria πŸ”—

Probably the only thing these creeps actually have a chance of getting in trouble for.

Weed Stock Mania: High as hell? πŸ”—

I just want to see an article discussing one of these stocks being "up by 420 handles".

Israel: International Law? What's that? πŸ”—

LOL, and the NeoCons say Assad is a horrible "gas killing animal" due to a similar disregard for international law (even though there's no evidence to back that claim from the NeoCons -- surprise surprise).

NZ Schools: Lord of the Flies πŸ”—

My god, the horror stories there are truly a case of the "inmates running the asylum". They need to abolish the public schools.

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