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Speaking of entirely unsurprising things... πŸ”—

Old VIA chips with a secret "God Mode" instruction? Feels good, man!

The latest x86 vuln πŸ”—

Yet another redpilling attack that should surprise nobody.

"Unite the Right" about as much of a joke as expected πŸ”—

Controlled opposition.

Political Illustration πŸ”—

The latest "Fake News" πŸ”—

So, while Christopher Steele was meeting with journalists, the journalists were writing articles; the FBI was leaking to media and simultaneously citing those same articles as underlying evidence to support their counterintelligence investigations; and all of this was used to validate the investigative documents the FBI was receiving from Christopher Steele; who, along with the leaking FBI officials, was also the source of the media articles. FEELS GOOD MAN

Looks like Turkey gets to be "patient zero" this time around πŸ”—


Albuquerqe car theft ring busted πŸ”—

You get one guess what gang was operating it.

Can't well confirmed FIB πŸ”—

Can't say I'm surprised, this has been suspected for years. Excellent that it was Weev who outed him.

Corbett gets it, as usual πŸ”—

Not surprised that he's the voice saying what I've been thinking in reaction to the most recent social media banfest.

US Color revolution in Cambodia fizzles πŸ”—

Conspirators dispersed. I'm sure they'll keep trying, gotta pay those salaries somehow man

The Dems plan to impose net licensure πŸ”—

For both users and operators. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, and here it is. This confirms the whole rotten mess to be a bogus CB to back a massive power grab.

Supposed "Debunking" of DCCC Leak Theory RE Russiaghazi πŸ”—

There are several core errors.
  1. Packet sources are trivial to spoof for state actors. This is why Ray emphasizes the MARBLE program, and has the whole time.
  2. The GRU would be morons if their whole division was not prevented from accessing the net without automated proxy policy.
The entirety of the rest of the article requires one to take on faith the assertions of the CIA & NSA (known liars).

So, as usual the evidence of collusion is still not there. The rest of the article is contortions trying to say this conspiracy guy is a russian agent without any substantial proof.

And in the end the "debunking" ultimately fails the test. While the provided explanation doesn't hold water, it can't prove it was exfiltrated online, as would have to have been done by the GRU. So it's still as likely as not to have been an insider leak. My money is on nobody ever finding out the real story; my guess is that the data was hacked because the DNC guys were bozos, and it likely got sold several times until it ended up in Wikileaks' hands. Frankly, the NSA/FBI/CIA are as likely culprits as the GRU given the actual evidence.

French Prez sends goons after his enemies πŸ”—

GLADIO lives on

Undersea farming πŸ”—

Great news for seasteading.

The Brit's ICBM program πŸ”—

Like here, they called it a "space" program

The usual suspects gravitating to the behavioralist business cycle explanation πŸ”—

Because it's wrong of course, and allows them to hector the common man for being evil and thus needing to be dominated by enlightened bureaucrats. ABCT continues to be right on.

CIA Fake Vaccines πŸ”—

In its zeal to identify bin Laden or his family, the CIA used a sham hepatitis B vaccination project to collect DNA in the neighborhood where he was hiding. The effort apparently failed, but the violation of trust threatens to set back global public health efforts by decades.
No shit. Add Tuskeegee, the vaccine indemnity fund and an endless other train of abuses to that list, and it's not shocking why people believe all public health info to be 100% lies.

SIDS/Circumcision link πŸ”—

Another reason to not mutilate your boys

Important geneticist's memoirs out πŸ”—

Sounds like a good read. The guy who figured out horizontal gene transfer and Archaeobacteria.

Brazen heist of the Crown Jewels of Sweden πŸ”—

The ultimate Robin Hoods

SF scaring off the Techies πŸ”—

Good for Texas.

Chinese P2P lending collapses πŸ”—

Kind of their S&L scandal. Big deal.

More people figure out the obvious πŸ”—

That commerce is the antidote to war.

Facebook gets biggest intraday drop in market history πŸ”—

Near 20% loss of one of the biggest market cap stocks ever. And people think a crash is nowhere in sight. Ha.

Japanese Liquidators of the Heirless' Estates πŸ”—

Booming Business. Coming soon to other aging western nations.

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