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UKGov "Porn Age Requirement" going like expected πŸ”—

Targeted to benefit the large monopolies exclusively, of course. There's this though:
It's also very interesting – and not at all surprising – to see that MindGeek made AgeID to monopolize on the new age verification law, but, of course not wanting to lose their own under 18 viewers, they have now created their own VPN! VpnHUB will allow underage users in the UK to bypass the age verification controls by avoiding being detected as a UK viewer.
At least they have the decency to make .gov look like the schmucks they are.

Trump starts playing hardball on Tarrifs πŸ”—

Offers no tarrifs to EU, they prefer to protect their useless "industries".
β€œUltimately that’s what you want. You want tariff-free, no barriers, and you want no subsides because you have some countries subsidizing industries, and that’s not fair. So you go tariff-free, you go barrier-free, you go subsidy-free. That’s the way you learned at the Wharton School of Finance,” said Trump.

That's correct. But Wharton also teaches that it's best to have no tariffs regardless of what the other guy does.

Israel adopts Apartheid πŸ”—

Did somebody tell them the only guaranteed effective counter-insurgency is genocide?

DNC Doubles down on failure πŸ”—

Tainting leftish candidates as Putin stooges is the ideal tool for Democratic centrist to defeat them. Tuition free colleges, single-payer health care and $15 minimum wage are obviously Russian conspiracies designed to destroy the United States. This scheme is effective and will therefore be widely used by the centrists during all primaries and the next federal elections.

It also guarantees that Trump and the Republicans continue to win.

THE MAN update πŸ”—

Always tryin' ta keep a brutha' down

How2Ancap πŸ”—


NYT Elitist actually gets it πŸ”—

It is about zee legitimacy of the goobernment, which is being undermined by these clowns!

Sounds like Trump may have actually made a good deal πŸ”—

The left and right wings are all incensed, so clearly he didn't declare war.

Details here.

Israel still bombing Syria πŸ”—

What a waste of $$$

How to fail at censorship πŸ”—


Propaganda rags closing having the desired effect πŸ”—

Hayes says when papers close or cut coverage, people are less able to identify who's running, know the candidate's issue positions and, ultimately, are less likely to vote
Hooray! Less immoral behavior!

The latest Trump <-> Russia conspiracy theory πŸ”—

Brexit still on track for betrayal πŸ”—

The latest in the saga

Blood Libel πŸ”—

Guide to fixing bufferbloat πŸ”—

Great stuff.

Privation: why behind the decline in birth rate πŸ”—

UHHH DUUUUUUH! May the satanic federal reserve and their minions be boiled upside down in excrement.

Commies smearing the EFF now πŸ”—

You see the corporations are all corporation-y, and... Don't worry about .gov, they love you -- corporate surveillance is really what you wanna worry about!

Yeah right. When was the last time Facebook bombed people? This is why .gov is the threat to focus on, dumbass.

Uganda taxes social media πŸ”—

Good luck with that.

UK Torture Report comes out πŸ”—

As expected, UKGov drenched in blood.

Novichock 2: Electric Boogaloo πŸ”—

Obvious and moronic fake

Finally, a Gold Standard bill returns to Congress πŸ”—

First since Jack Kemp's bill in '84. Great News, but probably won't get traction.

OPCW: No evidence (so far) of chem attack in Douma πŸ”—

Some residue of chlorinates, but there are plenty of innocuous ways those could have easily come to be there.

FaecesBeef patenting more intrusive technology πŸ”—

Par for the course

CA: State with highest amount of poor people πŸ”—

More bounties of socialism

FIB really doesn't like folks knowing about the Stingrays πŸ”—

Well, that may be because what they are doing with them is totally illegal.

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