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John Bolton still trying to sabotage NK peace deal πŸ”—

As expected

"Manna" from Heaven: Socialist Edition πŸ”—

Absolutely disgusting.

LP: Let's run Bill Weld next time πŸ”—

Barf Bag required

Pepe Escobar: Turkey has Flipped to Russia and Iran's Side πŸ”—

I was kind of figuring this might happen.

Pretty sure Thierry is Smoking Something here πŸ”—

...their plan is not to find a solution which satisfies all the protagonists, but to reduce the pressure on this population in order that they might live a normal life according to the ideal of the right to happiness as it is set out in the US Constitution. This is a major objective for Donald Trump, who intends to dissolve US imperialism and replace it with the logic of commercial competition.
By all accounts I've seen so far, Kushner is a Zionist. I highly doubt any plan he has involves an improvement in the situation of Palestinians, regardless of what Trump may or may not want. Always interesting to see what Thierry thinks about it, regardless.

DEA Arrests Man who created Secret Compartments for cars πŸ”—

If the drug war was ended, this wouldn't be a problem. The DEA guys need to rock cement shoes and take a leap from a yacht, as usual.

Yet another Raper Cop πŸ”—

This guy sounds like a real winner.

Operation Chokepoint still Alive and Well πŸ”—

Intuit now kneels, cuts off payment processing for gun shops, regardless of product sold.

School of the Elon πŸ”—

Perhaps also a scam?

USA to Allies: You better stop buying Iranian Oil πŸ”—

"Good luck with that."

That said, the only thing worse than being a US enemy is often being their ally. The EU can enjoy higher prices now, though I'm sure the RussiaG8rs will say this is all to hook up those evil Russkies.

HODLrs Crushed πŸ”—

This is what is normally called a 'correction', considering where it has leveled out at.

LBO Insanity back in style πŸ”—

Feeling like a top. It's always fun how many bad indicators have to pile up before something finally gives.

UK hospital euthanized patients invoulntarily πŸ”—

The state knows what's best (TM).

Irish reunification looking more likely πŸ”—

Well, either that or the troubles starting back up.

Talks of a Russian - Korean pipeline, railway in the works πŸ”—

A powerful incentive for peace.

Cambodia back to military dictatorship πŸ”—


USG gladly lets military drink polluted water πŸ”—

What do you expect from the world's #1 polluter?

Winning at soccer by not hustling πŸ”—

Whether Messi consciously decides to go against the run of play with his movement is difficult to ascertain. β€œCan we say Messi gets a lot of his space by not chasing the play? Yes, that’s precisely what our research shows."
Just being in the right place at the right time makes a big difference.

Cop marksmanship: try to kill dog, kill 9 year old girl instead πŸ”—

These home invasions need to be stopped.

Epstein gets a slap on the wrist πŸ”—

Meanwhile, the trumpaloes are smilin' like the fool.

Aztec tzompantli discovered πŸ”—

Their apologists are now confronted with the actual towers of skulls.

Sea uranium mining πŸ”—

I suspect you could use the same techniques to extract PMs from the sea as well.

11 Genes that control metastasis πŸ”—

A start, but surely not the whole picture.

The collapse of Bell Pottinger πŸ”—

Being a propaganda firm has it's risks.

Curing the sugar with gastric bypass πŸ”—

Or, try cramming fewer groceries into your maw.

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