Most unfortunate. Means you can't operate a business without using a publicani to figure out how to pay taxes to the morass of jurisdictions with sales taxes.
Very interesting the parallels to some of the more wicked Islamic sects. Like there, it's all the commentaries and "jurisprudence" that came after which justifies the most monstrous criminal behavior. And likely has the same ultimate pagan sources.
They're boxed in by their existing problems with capital flight due to money printing. If they dump T-bills, it makes their goods less competitive. If they devalue, capital flight resumes. Nowhere to go but war.
Meanwhile, the Russians did the sane thing in reaction to sanctions, and preserved the value of their currency by Dumping half their T-Bills.
it is notable that Russians and their partners have used so many former informants...
The author should consider the possibility that this is because the FIB is deliberately trying to entrap the Trump campaign, as they do with everyone else.