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Yoga Tycoon πŸ”—


EM-Drive: generates thrust thanks to magnetism? πŸ”—

Experiment isolation not yet perfect, but good chance they're on to something. That said, still good work; means the EMDrive could indeed be useful in some contexts.

FDR's great purge πŸ”—

How our mockingbird media got it's start, and why the ur-myth of WWII needs smashing before we can 'move on' as a society.

Valve wisely exits the censorship game πŸ”—

Cause it's a great way to lose customers.

Study: Pirates most valuable customers πŸ”—

Duh. Been saying this for years.

T-Cell cloning to kill cancer πŸ”—

Seems to work. Bully!

Snowden's Reflections 5 years on πŸ”—

"The people are still powerless but aware". So, like I thought it would just mean we get brazen, not accountable government.

Previously lost games found on ROM forums πŸ”—

Private collectors once again prove their worth to humanity.

Text-to-Speech restores a man's voice πŸ”—

The blessings of technology.

CRISPR carcinogenisis πŸ”—

β€œWe found that cutting the genome with CRISPR-Cas9 induced the activation of … p53,” said Emma Haapaniemi, the lead author of the Karolinska study. That β€œmakes editing much more difficult.”

The flip side of p53 repairing CRISPR edits, or killing cells that accept the edits, is that cells that survive with the edits do so precisely because they have a dysfunctional p53 and therefore lack this fix-it-or-kill-it mechanism.

The reason why that could be a problem is that p53 dysfunction can cause cancer. And not just occasionally. P53 mutations are responsible for nearly half of ovarian cancers; 43 percent of colorectal cancers; 38 percent of lung cancers; nearly one-third of pancreatic, stomach, and liver cancers; and one-quarter of breast cancers, among others.
Yet more trouble for the approach. I think the knowledge about the new type of DNA needs to be expanded before we truly understand this.

Tanzania: Internet Licenses πŸ”—

Coming soon to a country near you!

More are figuring out LASIK ain't all it's cracked up to be πŸ”—

Duh. Complication city

"Things I learned 15 years in the Gulag" πŸ”—

I discovered that the world should be divided not into good and bad people but into cowards and non-cowards. Ninety-five percent of cowards are capable of the vilest things, lethal things, at the mildest threat.

I am convinced that the campsβ€”all of themβ€”are a negative school; you can’t even spend an hour in one without being depraved. The camps never gave, and never could give, anyone anything positive. The camps act by depraving everyone, prisoners and free-contract workers alike.

I realized that the thieves were not human.
Damn straight.

Intel joins the GPU wars πŸ”—

Will be interesting to see if they have a competitive offering.

The FSP fight against Bears πŸ”—

This is one of the lulzier articles I've read in a while.
Word had gotten around about the questions I was asking, and an omerta was in effect.
Glad to hear they're being smart up there.

IQ nosediving since the 70s πŸ”—

Thank you socialism.

The Vice Magazine scam πŸ”—

On why they were good on stuff for maybe 2 years, and then promptly imploded. That was the plan from the beginning.
In 2016, Variety reported that more than half of the traffic Vice claimed as its own on Comscore came from β€œthe digital equivalent of mortgage-backed securities”: The company had struck deals with a number of spam-y websites like OMGFacts and Distractify β€” along with The Awl and Modern Farmer β€” that allowed Vice to count their traffic as its own in exchange for selling ads on their behalf.

Greece and Macedonia bury the hatchet πŸ”—

Macedonia becomes North Macedonia.

Einstein the Racist πŸ”—

Ammo for the lysenkoist left

Monbiot is actually good on something πŸ”—

All laws should sunset.

Kashmir heating up again πŸ”—

Let's hope cooler heads prevail.

Seattle commies back down πŸ”—

Realize they went too far.

Mueller ordered to turn over names of unindicted co-conspirators πŸ”—

yanno, for discovery. This is where it gets revealed he's got nothing. Meanwhile he cynically tells Russian Indictees you can only have discovery after I arrest you.

ATT buys Time Warner πŸ”—


Meanwhile the Chinese jump on the Stealth bandwagon πŸ”—

Schmucks. Stealth doesn't work, which is why the Russians rightly have back-burnered their 6th-gen fighter.

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