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Baking Soda: Simple cure for autoimmune disease? 🔗

If so it's a godsend for Arthritics.

EU growing a spine? 🔗

Over the Iran Sanctions. Good news if so.

Waco Biker case falling apart 🔗

What do you expect when the FIB & Po Po shot first?

El Mano Negro: American Sicario 🔗

Great profile of a hitman.

Latest School shooter: Post-Prom rejection rage 🔗

Again, abolish public schooling. No need to coerce children into this social pressure cooker, which results in these monstrous extreme behaviors.

Venezuela apologists out in force 🔗

It's "Not real socialism" to bankrupt your country with subsidies beyond what you can afford and then print money like a lunatic to cover for your failure, apparently. This is yet more proof of the point -- any and all government meddling in prices (socialism AKA centralized economic planning) is guaranteed to fail. It's inflexibility to demand guarantee this -- but I'm sure the author sees this as a defect of democracy, and that more Stalinist computers can fix it (TM).

Israeli Terrorism 🔗

In the 70s, just when they were pimping their moral authority as non-terrorists, they were doing car-bombings in Lebanon. Ariel Sharon was a real piece of work.

Al-Sadr to finally win in Iraq 🔗

Countdown till the USG screams that he's a "Mad Mullah" and wants to regime change things again.

State of Israel guns down Gazan protesters 🔗

Kills 52, wounds 2,400+... some real loving behavior there.

Oliver North to head the NRA 🔗

Make Cocaine Smuggling Great Again

NYT discovers what the "young-uns" already know 🔗

Only old people watch TV

Trump’s Plan for Iran: Put Terrorists in Charge 🔗

Preach it, Ron!

O'Keefe profiled by a Journo that actually? believes in media neutrality 🔗

When it comes to politics, you must have allies, and there are only two games in town. James gets this.

Christians in Jerusalem threatened by Jewish gangsters 🔗

priests are being verbally abused and spat at, and property vandalised.

Tensions have risen this year in the Christian and Armenian quarters of the 1 sq km ancient walled city, which includes the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the holiest place in Christianity where Jesus was believed to be crucified and resurrected. The Old City is also home to places of critical religious importance to Jews and Muslims.

The churches say they are facing onslaught on three fronts: a war of attrition waged by hardline settlers; unprecedented tax demands by Jerusalem city council; and a proposal to allow the expropriation of church land sold to private developers.
Is it too early to declare a crusade against the government of Israel?

The Observer profiles the DSA wingnuts 🔗

Still less effective than the LP, an they're retarded.

Egypt loses the battle for the Nile 🔗

Dammed out and gonna go bust.

Univision is cracking up 🔗

Unlike NBC, no bailout is forthcoming.

Palmyra: The aftermath 🔗

Shortly after conquering Palmyra, on 27 May, ISIS released an eighty-seven-second video message promising to preserve the Roman ruins. That did not prevent ISIS a month later from initiating the systematic destruction of the graceful colonnades that stretched into the desert for nearly a mile along the ancient Roman road. Militants smashed the famed Lion of al-Lāt, a beautiful stone statue of a lion god protecting a gazelle that Polish archaeologist Michał Gawlikowski discovered only in 1977. Subsequent reports from Palmyra were vague about what was happening. Then, in late August, satellite photographs confirmed that ISIS had razed the site’s most impressive structures, the Roman-era Temples of Baalshamin and Bel. UNSECO head Irina Bokova called ISIS’s vandalism a ‘war crime’ and an ‘intolerable crime against civilisation’. ISIS followed those outrages with the destruction of Palmyra’s distinctive funeral towers that had stood for centuries at the fringe of the old city. If the jihadists stayed much longer, archaeologists feared, nothing would remain.
Thank you for funding these head choppers, USG

Shkreli's pill: not any cheaper 🔗

The crime was being proud of his monopoly. Gov was like "HEY HES MAKING US LOOK BAD!!!1"

Great discussion on the state of online debate 🔗

This is part of the process that creates polarization and echo chambers. If you see an attempt at social shaming and feel triggered, that’s the second-best result from the perspective of the person who put it up. The best result is that you never went into that space at all. This isn’t just about keeping conservatives out of socialist spaces. It’s also about defining what kind of socialist the socialist space is for, and what kind of ideas good socialists are or aren’t allowed to hold.

I think easily 90% of online discussion is of this form right now, including some long and carefully-written thinkpieces with lots of citations. The point isn’t that it literally uses the word “fuck”, the point is that the active ingredient isn’t persuasiveness, it’s the ability to make some people feel like they’re suffering social costs for their opinion. Even really good arguments that are persuasive can be used this way if someone links them on Facebook with “This is why I keep saying Democrats are dumb” underneath it.
I think the author goes off the rails late in the article where it's clear they don't realize this is all well-trod ground literally a thousand years ago. His examples of 'winning an argument' were all incrementalist positivist pap as you would expect from a modern science goon.

USPS allows incredible fraud in change of address 🔗

"Good enough for Government Work"

UK: 0 down mortgages are back 🔗

Bunga Bunga

Great map on how NOTA keeps winning elections 🔗

As in "None of the Above"

Aussies get cash purchase limit imposed 🔗

Like the De-Facto "structuring" BS around 10k we have here, but much worse.

Where Jordan Peterson is all wet 🔗

It's not postmodernism being marxism per se -- it's the critical theory and frankfurt school D-Bags that became dominant in the left after communism collapsed that's the big problem.

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