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Autocad in your browser πŸ”—


NYC: still jailing people for knives πŸ”—

Total authoritarianism

Dieselgate 2: electric boogaloo πŸ”—

Being nice to customers is apparently "cheating".

How the Swedish navy whipped the USN πŸ”—

By being quiet.

Yet more "wikileaks is a russian bot" smears πŸ”—

Distraction from the fact Mueller has nothing.

Robodairy πŸ”—

The miracle of capital

Facial recognition: full of it πŸ”—

Over 90% wrong.

Dutch get dragnet surveillance πŸ”—

Despite a referendum against it. Pols promise they won't misuse it (ha ha).

Independent's FDA haterade site is awesome πŸ”—

Great history and arguments for why the FDA is counter-productive. They sensibly note that there is adequate remedy under the law without the FDA.

As suspected, former DNI Clapper confirmed to be leaker πŸ”—

Seems to have been a Quid Pro Quo with Jake Tapper at CNN so that he'd get a sweet consulting gig.

Potential Threats to Korean Peace and Reunification πŸ”—

Generally the "usual suspects" here.

UPDATE: Looks like it is official in NK. Event details were finally released by the party paper.

French Troops arrive in Syria πŸ”—

Great. As if the USA wasn't already doing enough to screw things up.

Banks actually starting to look for outside cash sources again πŸ”—

They are in for a rude awakening RE rates they'll have to give on these if they want anyone to bite in the amount they want here. If it really is getting to where the FED tit has been withdrawn, expect rate shock to come soon.

Online Dating's "New Hotness" -- Mechanical Turks for Matchmaking πŸ”—

Not surprising that a former employee would be left feeling somewhat dirty by the whole process, most especially a woman. Unfortunately for the man, however, it is a numbers game. At least 9/10 of your interactions as a dude are gonna be a strikeout. Regardless of the "Alpha" BS talked about in this article, men are not the choosers. As such, of course it is gonna feel strange to someone on the other end of that equation.

Neat to see that this is the direction it is moving towards, however. The market commoditizes everything, eventually for the better.

Real DNA science breakthrough πŸ”—

We have an entirely novel DNA structure in our cells which controls gene expression from the exons. I knew we were missing something big, and this qualifies. I'll bet this is what Craig Venter is missing in his quest to create the minimally viable organism.

EU Plaxicoed via Russia Sanctions: Aluminum Edition πŸ”—

As usual, sanctions and tarrifs are a good way to fuck up the international division of labor.

Coalition of the Shilling already trying to invalidate OPCW visit πŸ”—

Just keep on lying, scumbags

Roger Stone: Possibly implicated in NXIVM Cult implosion πŸ”—

Well, he was a swinger earlier in life. Being an associate of a sex cult wouldn't be too far outside what you'd expect there.

Rand Paul getting Shammed by Trump RE Pompeo πŸ”—

That would have to be 12th dimension baccarat if Pompeo was actually pretending to be a ring-wraith this whole time in order to "do good at the right time." Even less credible than the "Greenspan was a deep-cover randian at the FED" theory.

Finland ends ill-fated UBI "experiment" πŸ”—

Hilariously, the BBC said that the problem must have been with the frequency of the payments. They can't even figure out that a negative income tax is the same thing as UBI. What ass clowns.

UN Pulls out of Malawi because of VAMPIRES πŸ”—


Zillow becomes flipper idiots πŸ”—


Cross Species Cancer viruses πŸ”—

I'm sure Jones is wet for this

Why NYC stopped building subways πŸ”—

Authors are all wet. Note the unremarked upon coincidence that new subway lines stopped immediately after socialization. Totally not a coincidence at all.

Plutonium Release at Hanford Site πŸ”—

Cancer rate in the surrounding area was already really bad. They won't be satisfied till the place becomes an exclusion zone, will they?

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