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Patrick Cockburn: Strikes are a show of Weakness πŸ”—

Just as useless as Saudi Barbaria in pacifying the Yemenis.

Pentagram pulls number out of its' ass about "Russian Troll" increase πŸ”—

2,000% increase, riiiight.

The Radical Freedom of D&D πŸ”—

Why fantasy continues to be more and more relevant: You live in a prison.

Scooter Libby Pardoned πŸ”—

Oy, was this used as cover to absolve NeoCon criminals? That's just great.

Maybe this is all just expensive and deadly Kabuki though? πŸ”—

Supposedly Mattis and Trump are like "yeah, we're done." I guess Trump is from the "dissatisfy everyone equally" school of governance if that 9D backgammon theory holds. I'm just glad that WWIII is called off (for now).

Political Illustration πŸ”—

Jones flips out about Syrian Strike πŸ”—

Not fun to discover you have been scammed by Trump the entire time, is it? LOL

Syrian Bombing campaign begins πŸ”—

The liar about the "Gas Killing Animal" now the "Bomb Killing Animal". They couldn't even wait for someone to investigate the CW claims.

Yet more rumblings of SubPrime coming back πŸ”—

We're not going back to the bad old days of ninja lending, when people with no jobs, no income, and no assets were getting loans.
You say that, but what happens when everyone here gets denied (because I can guarantee you they will)?

Japanese oceanfloor mining hits the mother lode πŸ”—

Of Rare Earths.

Trump jumps on the TPP train πŸ”—

He probably realized the idea was to further Isolate China.

Syria War off for now πŸ”—

After sorties on Tuesday to probe their AA defense, they got lit up like christmas trees. Rather than have the Russians mop the floor with them, they wisely decided to back down. They're currently "examining their options" to back down without seeming like chickenshit big-talkers.

China offers an olive branch in the Trade War πŸ”—

When the reds are better on free trade than America, it's over folks.

Syrian defector: Army deliberately murdered international journalists πŸ”—

By shelling their building. Not shocking in concept, but suspect given the timing. Worth keeping an eye on if they try to lean on this heavier as another causus belli.

Israeli DM Avigdor Lieberman: It's open season on Gazans πŸ”—

30 dead and over 700 shot just in the last week.

Both Skirpals look like they're gonna live πŸ”—

So much for the vaunted Novichocks.

Saudi 2 Qatar: We're gonna build a nuclear moat around your border πŸ”—

Disgusting. Those Saudi barbarians always find a way to be more craven.

The latest Escalation in Syria πŸ”—

Trump: You better not shoot down my yuuuge missiles. Meanwhile, Russia starts jamming GPS in the area.

UPDATE: Red Crescent finds no evidence of chemical attack being used as pretext.

EPA: Can't even keep waste out of their own offices πŸ”—

Caltrops... or calplops?

Pentagram shams Trump again πŸ”—

Into staying in Syria for another 6 months. Schmuck.

An apology? From North Korea? πŸ”—

This is unheard of. Maybe peace does have a chance.

Baltimore PD rolling bums for cash πŸ”—

It's hard out here for a thug...

UKGov having to walk back CW claims πŸ”—

Replaces them with new lies.

Another Illinois town bans guns πŸ”—

Chicago is so wonderful!!!

Bovard on how Comey's FIB derailed the Pulse prosecution πŸ”—

Nails those corruptos, as usual.

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