Judging by the D.A.R.E instructors inflicted on us in HS, this sounds about right. This is much like how sex ed increases teen pregnancy. If these assholes in school say don't do it, you do the opposite.
Sibel's take. I come down on James' side on this. Sibel's been stirring shit lately to get views, much like Infowars has to. I mean, I get it, but you gotta take the truth seriously.
I think her assessment that this Litvienenko II thing is just bullshit to keep the heat on after they allowed the humanitarian corridor in Ghouta is about right. It's wagging the dog -- and it's because there's some big time bullshit going on with the Brits pivoting to re-establish empire.
BONUS II: The CFR clowns correctly point out that this is just strengthening Putin's position, but they forget conveniently omit that's the whole point. The west needs a Hitler 2.0 to cover for their abject failure to deliver on peace or prosperity.