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UK's latest Pedo scandal πŸ”—

Funny that in the USA they call prostitutes "sex trafficking victims/sex slaves" yet in the UK when it seems there may be actual sex slavery and rape gangs, the vics are whitewashed as prostitutes.

Lacey Hunt's economic update πŸ”—

The situation is getting progressively grimmer. Even by the standards of the Keynsian/Friedmanite socialized money schools.

Of course the NSA has been tracking bitcoin users πŸ”—

After what happened to liberty reserve and the Digital Monetary Trust, how could you not think this was exactly what was going on? Morons.

Testilying: the latest euphemism for cop perjury πŸ”—

WAISTBAND! He bulked up like a demon and ran through the bullets, your honor.

Curing wet AMD with stem cells πŸ”—

Hope it pans out.

Coding bootcamps a scam???????!!!1 πŸ”—

Say it ain't so. Look if you wanna get into tech, it's all there online. Get a job as a grunt at a big shared hosting firm; they'll take any idiot who'll fog a mirror, and eventually you'll figure it out.

Sarkozy behind bars πŸ”—

YESSSS! A fate that should befall all politicians.

A pattern emerges: Mueller probably next πŸ”—

RE being exposed as a crook. Would not shock me in the least, given the fawning exposes in the NYT, etc.

BONUS: McGovern thinks John Brennan is next on the block. Couldn't happen to a better creep.

Speaking of Saudis, 60 minutes talks to MBS πŸ”—

They deepthroat his Iran lies as expected, but otherwise not bad.

Bandar kills himself πŸ”—

How the mighty have fallen

SF pension apocalypse inbound πŸ”—

10 billion in the hole, whee

74% of Americans believe the "deep state" runs the country πŸ”—

Correct, but unfortunately for the wrong reasons. Most really don't get the 'national security and double government' argument of Glennon (and others), and instead are just being partisan.

Danny Sjursjen on the revolution πŸ”—

Nothing quite stacks up to Rothbard's history of the revolution, but it's a good intro for those unfamiliar with the real situation in 1776. 4 part series, with the last (having links to all) here.

Facebook: getting mad shade from both sides of the aisle πŸ”—

Being creeps for years eventually catches up with you. Here's what the DNC types are ticked about: Cambridge Analytica. That said, it is ultimately over-hyped:
the real question is how well these new projects work. Yes, advertising can sell a product. 'News' can change opinions. But they can only do so to a certain degree or for a limited time. Eskimos do not need refrigerators. Counterinsurgency campaigns usually fail. The Internet companies claim that advertising on their channels works extraordinary well because they can categorize the 'eyeballs' they attract by the data their users 'voluntarily' supply. Cambridge Analytica claims it can efficiently manipulate whole nations on a similar base. These companies sell snake-oil. Their claims are made out of self-interest. I for one doubt them.

Real-Time Raytracing coming to new NV gpus πŸ”—

Hot dog! Gotta get me some of that

Afrin Falls to the Turks πŸ”—

It couldn't really go any other way after they slapped away Assad's hand of peace.

Trumpian style "due process later" in florida πŸ”—

Gun confiscation Uber Alles! All it takes is an accusation by an "expert" (read: nosy neighbor), and off ya go!

False Hope: Another brain preservation firm πŸ”—

Just mapping connections has no bearing on what they contain.

Jacobin continues to be all wet πŸ”—

They think they've outsmarted libertarians when they've only engaged in bizarre definition. Effectively what they are saying here is that opportunity to use unowned property is an ownership stake, which is obviously false. I could use my savings to put a satellite into orbit, but I don't. Does that mean I own the prospective orbit of said satellite? Of course not. Similarly, opportunity to use is not ownership, only first actual use (improvement) or voluntary transfer confers ownership.

Jacobin wants this to be true desperately, as if it is, commie theft is legitimate; as everyone who ever had a possibility of touching a piece of capital owns it. As an aside, it's entirely possible to have a contractual commie-style property ownership regime (where any use implies voluntary transfer, enforced as a deed restriction). They'd rather have an incoherent system without property though, as it justifies their darkest desires.

Graphene Hair Dye πŸ”—

Based Materials science

Abe back in hot water over corruption πŸ”—

Like all heads of state should be, because they're all corrupt.

The "chromosomal imbalance" theory of carcinogenesis πŸ”—

Quite a persuasive argument.

Chinese "Social Credit Rating" now used to bar entry to transportation πŸ”—

The vise on wrongthinkers tightens.

Operation Unthinkable: Churchhill the deranged warmonger πŸ”—

Not news to me, but a good reminder.

Kitty Hawk finally unveils their flying car πŸ”—

Ultimately, it'll all cost a million damned dollars per unit because of the FAA. Wake me up when they're all reverse-raptured to hell and we can actually technologically advance, thanks.

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