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High Dexterity robotic arms πŸ”—

Vice Fawns over MMT morons πŸ”—

As usual they don't think about what makes a money useful in society, or the consequences of using a corrupt unit of account. MMT is just internalizing that "fraud is the fundamentals" and acting like it's a good thing. Doing evil that good may come, like all good little statists.

Berners-Lee: Regulate the web πŸ”—

We’ve looked to the platforms themselves for answers. Companies are aware of the problems and are making efforts to fix them – with each change they make affecting millions of people. The responsibility – and sometimes burden – of making these decisions falls on companies that have been built to maximise profit more than to maximise social good. A legal or regulatory framework that accounts for social objectives may help ease those tensions.
He's being a useful idiot for the "web license" censorship statists. He wants to 'bring more voices' into the web, but regulation will do precisely the opposite.

Autoimmune diseases basically caused by gut bacterial infections πŸ”—

My own family members have figured this one out through actions.

UN Blames Rohynga genocide in Burma on facebook πŸ”—

Facebook is just a mirror held up to society. Just accept that like Carlin says, maybe it's not just the elected officials that suck -- it's that the people suck.

NY's Subway going about how you expect πŸ”—

The bounties of socialism

Political Illustration πŸ”—

Google now helping use AI to make drone strikes even more stupid.

BMJ: Sat. Fat & Cholesterol not 'the real killer' πŸ”—

Atherothrombosis (swelling) is.

Murder Suicide after emailing data about Presidential Pardons πŸ”—

From the WTF file

Former Maidan plotter talks up second Coup, gets arrested πŸ”—

β€œUkrainians, just think about it. Who of you never thought about taking down that government just like they were calling on us to do at all the Maidan protests? Who didn’t think about blowing up [the president’s administration] or [the Parliament]? Are we living in 1937, Stalin’s times, when thinking about such things is a crime? Talking about it in the street? Only a lazy person now does not say such things,” she told journalists.

Sears: Dead Meat πŸ”—

The Bust-Out that KKR/Bain did on em could end no other way.

BONUS: Another firm zombified by Bain (Clear Channel) goes bankrupt.

Ancient DNA Analysis reveals lots of migration in antiquity πŸ”—

Sounds about right. Kurgan waves and whatnot. I'm kind of surprised these findings are controversial to some.

Novichock Claims continue to fall apart πŸ”—

Seems it is the "unobtainium" of chemical weapons, lol

Gina Haspel: One of the big Iraq War II lie enablers πŸ”—

Tortured a false confession out of Abu Zubaida.

Tiny house printing startup makes its' debut πŸ”—

10k for 650 sq. ft. house, aiming for 4k price tag ultimately. The article says it'll be great for "developing countries", but I'm all like "fuck that, the USA needs affordable housing like this!"

AL Sherrif gets Mansions from Inmate Food Funding πŸ”—

"It is good to be the King!"

USA escalating things in Libya πŸ”—

It won't work. I guess the MIC needs to waste more money.

Tillerson Out πŸ”—

Apparently Trump really likes Pompeo.

BONUS: Torture ghoul to replace Pompeo at the CIA

Syria Update: Afrin likely to fall soon πŸ”—

Methinks the Kurds foolishly swallowed the 'regular army' kool aid and are trying to do moronic things like point defense rather than sticking to guerrila ambushing.

FCC continues to act like the USG owns space πŸ”—

I say good show to these entrepeneurs. They should tell the USG to take a hike.

Brits continue being Russia kooks as well πŸ”—

If they had evidence, they'd present to the IOPCW. They won't because they don't.

UPDATE: No Article 5 for the Neocon mouth-breathers. More proof they've got nothing.

Megyn Kelly once again makes herself look like an idiot πŸ”—

This time by carrying water for the establishment in an interview of Putin. Putin was clearly having none of it, either calling out obvious lies by the USA as nonsense or calling the bluff when asked "why no investigation on your end about election hacking."

TSA stepping up searches on Domestic Flights πŸ”—

Guess they aren't satisfied with never finding anything, ever.

Yet another "Officer of the Year" proves to be a real winner? πŸ”—

Guy's home was so badly run that the force actually fired his ass and brought him up on charges.

CO now seeing movement on Legalizing Psilocybin πŸ”—

Awesome if it happens.

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