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Pentagram: We won't admit to Libyan ops unless you guess correctly πŸ”—

Transparently opaque

USS Cole Case: Clearly meant to be a Railroading πŸ”—

Just read the article. This case is all manner of fucked

Good analysis of the real "russia conspiracy" πŸ”—

Hence and for the foreseeable future, the Russians will have to continue on their current, admittedly frustrating and even painful course, and maintain a relatively passive and evasive posture which the Empire and its sycophants will predictably interpret as a sign of weakness. Let them. As long as in the real world the actual power (soft or hard) of the Empire continues to decline, as long as the US MIC continues to churn out fantastically expensive but militarily useless weapon systems, as long as US politicians are busy blaming everything on β€œRussian interference” while doing nothing to reform their own, collapsing economy and infrastructure, as long as the USA continues to use the printing press as a substitute for actual wealth and as long as the internal socio-political tensions in the USA continue to heat up – then Putin’s plan is working.
Hey, the plan worked for OBL. Just bait the idiots into quagmire after quagmire since they love losing wars so much (they're so much more profitable!)

Turkey and Iraq to double-team the Kurds πŸ”—

News just keeps getting worse for those guys. I'm guessing this is one of the reasons the PMU Got mainlined into the army.

Turns out the Xhosa are genital mutilators too πŸ”—

Real bunch of winners there in SA

Marijuana research: getting our asses kicked by Israel πŸ”—

The fruits of prohibition

Trump to meet with Kim Jong Un before May πŸ”—

Great news if peace can finally break out. That said, I doubt it since the MIC figured out they made a lot more money by losing wars.

Yet more easily debunked Russia kook theories πŸ”—

As if using sockpuppets is hacking, right

TEPCO Ice wall fails as expected πŸ”—

The only remotely sane proposal I heard was actually to use nukes to bury this shit.

Lithuanian pedo ring exposed πŸ”—

And it's government types, of course.

Solar activity low also leading to increased cosmic rays πŸ”—

β€œOver the last decade, the solar wind has exhibited low densities and magnetic field strengths, representing anomalous states that have never been observed during the Space Age. As a result of this remarkably weak solar activity, we have also observed the highest fluxes of cosmic rays.”
And people wonder why it's colder this winter.

Windows 10 password lock bypassed using cortana πŸ”—


Making a thermal vision evasion suit πŸ”—

Great info from OathKeepers.

The PLIMP πŸ”—

Looks great. I'd love a two-seater.

More great haterade on the Russia kooks πŸ”—

I always laugh at the DNC types when they act like the same FBI and CIA that's been lying nonstop and harassing the antiwar movement forever is now their buddy.

Mercedes: using LED projectors for headlights πŸ”—

That won't significantly increase costs, nosiree

US Spec ops mission in niger that got ambushed: unauthorized πŸ”—

Lesson #1 in the army: never volunteer for anything; that's how you get your ass shot off.

Alexa randomly laughing at people πŸ”—

I'm hoping it's becoming a Genocidal AI like CABAL:

Marshall Islands jumps on the state-sponsored crypto train πŸ”—

The dystopian algorithm-enforced Know Your Customer future is here

US Arms sales to Saudi: Illegal πŸ”—

"If the president does it, that means it is not illegal"

Speaking of Lincolnesque actions... πŸ”—

NH Cops prefer to not obey state law prohibiting civil asset forfeiture. "I care not what you do, just pay the tax."

Sessions reminds everyone the Republicans are the party of Lincoln πŸ”—

"There is no nullification. There is no secession. Federal law is the supreme law of the land. I would invite any doubters to go to Gettysburg, to the tombstones of John C. Calhoun and Abraham Lincoln. This matter has been settled," he continued.
Translation: GRANT VS. LEE! I'll kill you if you disagree!

Man, Peter Thoman is a Hero πŸ”—

This is how to be a good game porter.

Storing photons as Sound helping Photonic Computing πŸ”—

Apparently the speed of light is *too fast*.

More Syrian Sabre Rattling πŸ”—

Muh chlorine gas attacks!!!1

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