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Mercedes: using LED projectors for headlights πŸ”—

That won't significantly increase costs, nosiree

US Spec ops mission in niger that got ambushed: unauthorized πŸ”—

Lesson #1 in the army: never volunteer for anything; that's how you get your ass shot off.

Alexa randomly laughing at people πŸ”—

I'm hoping it's becoming a Genocidal AI like CABAL:

Marshall Islands jumps on the state-sponsored crypto train πŸ”—

The dystopian algorithm-enforced Know Your Customer future is here

US Arms sales to Saudi: Illegal πŸ”—

"If the president does it, that means it is not illegal"

Speaking of Lincolnesque actions... πŸ”—

NH Cops prefer to not obey state law prohibiting civil asset forfeiture. "I care not what you do, just pay the tax."

Sessions reminds everyone the Republicans are the party of Lincoln πŸ”—

"There is no nullification. There is no secession. Federal law is the supreme law of the land. I would invite any doubters to go to Gettysburg, to the tombstones of John C. Calhoun and Abraham Lincoln. This matter has been settled," he continued.
Translation: GRANT VS. LEE! I'll kill you if you disagree!

Man, Peter Thoman is a Hero πŸ”—

This is how to be a good game porter.

Storing photons as Sound helping Photonic Computing πŸ”—

Apparently the speed of light is *too fast*.

More Syrian Sabre Rattling πŸ”—

Muh chlorine gas attacks!!!1

Hinduvata's efforts to re-write history πŸ”—

Stronk aryan race

Malnutrition behind early heart disease in gorillas πŸ”—

Kind of like with humans.

The NAZI roots of the green movement πŸ”—

I need to get this book.

South Africa: Helicopter money πŸ”—

The minister did not say how much more money will need to be printed. But he did reveal that this plan will be executed in in the next two months or so, and that every South African will be rich.

BeriBeri in the Edo Period πŸ”—

Yet another tale of malnutrition thanks to refined carbs.

Lindsey Graham: Nuclear war with North Korea would be "worth it" πŸ”—

Frothing at the mouth, as usual

In case you thought the South African Whites were the good guys πŸ”—

Whites in Durban set up "modesty" patrols to crack down on hooking. Sounds like the authoritarian impulse is still alive and well even though they are no longer in power.

Pinball still alive and well πŸ”—

Nice to see subculture features like this.

The much vaunted uber study had poor methodology πŸ”—

Encouraged survey respondents to under-report income through vague question design. Rookie mistake.

Five Star and Lega Nord get an Italian Majority πŸ”—

Bunga in fourth, current clown in third. Should be interesting, new types of italian corruption are on the way.

Speaking of the Iraqi government being idiots πŸ”—

They slashed KRG funding, making an already secessionist province even more restive. If Jolani is smart, he's gonna leverage this to gain even more control over Kurdish politics.

Mosul going about how you expected πŸ”—

Being largely ignored because it's not shia? check. Being basically a pile of rubble? check. These idiots are just experts at encouraging insurgency against them.

Even Refis are dead: Mortgage meltdown inbound πŸ”—

About damned time

Speaking of Russia baiting πŸ”—

MSNBC mentioned Russia 5000% more than Yemen last year. Guess which one they want you to think about.

The Reality winner case has interesting consequences πŸ”—

This might finally be the thing that gets them to "put up or shut up" RE the evidence or not in the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA stuff. Or not, they could just say "national security magic wand" as usual.

25 most recent posts older than 1520233052
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