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Yet another person figures out TOR is a foreign policy weapon πŸ”—

USG doesn't do things to help you, citizen.

Google does diversity hires πŸ”—

Like everyone else does, because to meet quotas you have to engage in illegal behavior.

Trump imposes metal tarrifs πŸ”—


Putin's SOTU πŸ”—

Rightly sees innovation as the way forward, and public restraint of the market via corruption & licensure as the primary problem. Otherwise, he showed they've got a working flying crowbar and other un-interceptable strategic arms. I guess the US' underwater glider nukes don't make them so comfortable anymore. Interesting that he noted they were working on glide based systems, which are nigh-undetectable.

Google's censorship of gun shopping terms was ham-handed πŸ”—

Anything with the term 'gun' anywhere in the string got nothing. They've obviously reverted it now, but this is great news for ctd, buds and ammoseek.

Iraq to the coalition: buzz off πŸ”—

Formal demand for all foreign forces to skeedadle. US responds by threatening sanctions over them buying S-400s.

McMaster on the way out? πŸ”—

Good riddance to the COIN idiot, if true.

DC Fudging it's HS graduation numbers πŸ”—

I remember the ISD that was inflicted on me had a similar scam where they counted middle school graduations with HS Graduations to make it look like more than half of those enrolled graduated.

Looks like the marksmanship argument finally won in the US Army πŸ”—

We’re looking to reach out around 600 meters and have lethal effects even if the target is protected by body armor.
They've finally decided on a new LMG/MMG & Carbine. Looks like a 6.5mm carbine and good ol' 5.56mm/.308 LMG/MMG. Those of us training to shoot farther than them now have to work out to 1000 yards.

How not to run a CA πŸ”—

I've long said that the policy of Chrome, Firefox, etc. to give you big scary warnings on certs not signed by a third party is a joke due to the CAs all being a bunch of ass clowns. This is just another nail in the coffin.

Rob Jacobson Suing Alex Jones πŸ”—

You know, Jones sure seems to have a talent for scaring off a lot of his long time employees, and it seems to only have accelerated now that he's on the Trump dickride. Confirmed for midlife crisis?

Japan's "Stealth" re-armament continues apace πŸ”—

They drop the pretense they don't have aircraft carriers now. It'll be fun when they quit pretending they don't have nukes.

Trump: "Take the Guns First" πŸ”—

Hooray for Prior restraint and Guilty until proven innocent. Burn the Fourth Amendment!

Afghan Prez: ready to talk with the Taliban πŸ”—

US is now the only obstacle to peace. Hopefully Ghani has the stones to reach a separate peace; it sounds like some in our bureaucracy would accept it anyways, as it would mean we didn't lose.

Looks like Lauren Southern is doing good work πŸ”—

Covering the incipient white genocide in South Africa. Speaking of, the Afrikaner doomsday clock is counting down to August now.

Latest rash of Youtube takedowns: They hired the SPLC πŸ”—

Wow. What a bunch of morons. Youtube, of course is pretending it was all a mistake.

Idiots running unsecured, publically bound memcached get DDOSed πŸ”—

As usual, the opsec of most websites is abysmal.

Obama FBI, hero to the left is a sewer of sexual harrasment πŸ”—

Making the #MeToo bullshit all too obviously cynical. If you're part of the divine BigGov, you get a free pass like raper cops do with the RNC crowd.

Yet another reason to not have a comments section on your site πŸ”—

Now not only are you press-ganged into the fed's snitch program if people post:
  • CP
  • Threats against the President
  • Links to copyright infringing content
But now also anything related to "sex trafficking". I guess all hooker blogs are in trouble now, lol.

East texas busybody ruins lives πŸ”—

The 90s "Satanic Panic" returned last decade, apparently, all thanks to CPS and their accomplices.

The latest Hilarious agitprop πŸ”—

This time bogus claims about Assad buying "chemical weapon components" from North Korea, going on to say that they have some warhead with Sarin and VX in it. What a load of garbage.

NOPD using palantir's predictive policing πŸ”—

Police state alert

Chip cards reduce fraud, as expected πŸ”—

Of course THE MAN won't allow you direct usage of a SWIFT device at your home computer, so online shopping fraud is still rife.

The banana phone is back πŸ”—

Hooray for Nokia.

11.4 million fewer in the workforce than in 1999 πŸ”—

What's left unsaid in this article is that there are nearly 40 million more Americans since then! At some point Atlas will have to shrug.

25 most recent posts older than 1519804489
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