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Latest rash of Youtube takedowns: They hired the SPLC πŸ”—

Wow. What a bunch of morons. Youtube, of course is pretending it was all a mistake.

Idiots running unsecured, publically bound memcached get DDOSed πŸ”—

As usual, the opsec of most websites is abysmal.

Obama FBI, hero to the left is a sewer of sexual harrasment πŸ”—

Making the #MeToo bullshit all too obviously cynical. If you're part of the divine BigGov, you get a free pass like raper cops do with the RNC crowd.

Yet another reason to not have a comments section on your site πŸ”—

Now not only are you press-ganged into the fed's snitch program if people post:
  • CP
  • Threats against the President
  • Links to copyright infringing content
But now also anything related to "sex trafficking". I guess all hooker blogs are in trouble now, lol.

East texas busybody ruins lives πŸ”—

The 90s "Satanic Panic" returned last decade, apparently, all thanks to CPS and their accomplices.

The latest Hilarious agitprop πŸ”—

This time bogus claims about Assad buying "chemical weapon components" from North Korea, going on to say that they have some warhead with Sarin and VX in it. What a load of garbage.

NOPD using palantir's predictive policing πŸ”—

Police state alert

Chip cards reduce fraud, as expected πŸ”—

Of course THE MAN won't allow you direct usage of a SWIFT device at your home computer, so online shopping fraud is still rife.

The banana phone is back πŸ”—

Hooray for Nokia.

11.4 million fewer in the workforce than in 1999 πŸ”—

What's left unsaid in this article is that there are nearly 40 million more Americans since then! At some point Atlas will have to shrug.

.gov hasn't been verifying the chips in passports for years πŸ”—

Great news for forgers. All because they can't get their software deployment act together.

Austrian True money supply cratering πŸ”—

The herald of recession. We're in the bust phase of the business cycle very soon.

Innovations in stripping: QR temporary tattoos πŸ”—

Great idea!

The worst roommate ever πŸ”—

I'm really amazed the guy didn't end up face down in a ditch.

Smartphone sales fall for first time ever πŸ”—

Bullish (not)

The pentagram's campaign to isolate Trump continues πŸ”—

John Kelly now sets his sights on Ivanka since he got Kushner pushed out. We'll see if the Donald values family loyalty and tells Kelley to pound sand.

Russian "meddling" was just emphasizing real news πŸ”—

β€œThe Kremlin, they don’t need to create a false narrative. It’s already there,” he said. β€œYou’re just taking a narrative and elevating it.”
Apparently it's meddling to emphasize the good and truthful news rather than the sewer of propaganda they want you to obsess over.

Spinlaunch: Trebuchet into space πŸ”—

Glad to read about another alternative delivery vehicle.

Filipino Drug war Murder Spree returns πŸ”—

Yet another "let's wait until the news stops noticing" thing

Burmese ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya continues apace πŸ”—

I had a feeling after reading that they'd stop that they'd just wait until people quit paying attention on CNN.

What it's like to own property in San Fransicso πŸ”—

Insane. 4 years and a million dollars to not even break ground on an apartment building:
The real opposition came from some of the neighbors. A community meeting in January 2016 served as something of a flashpoint.

At the meeting, one woman fretted that the tall building would violate the privacy of a nearby public school. Another argued that the project needed to be 100 percent affordable housing. Two representatives from local Latino Cultural District Calle 24 said that even a 100 percent affordable housing project was out of the question, given the proposed height of the development.

When Tillman said he saw his project as necessary so people like his daughter could afford to come back and live in the city, one particularly motivated activist said she wished his daughter was killed in a terrorist attack.

The real scandal about the Broward County school shooting πŸ”—

Their PD has turned a blind eye to crime there so as to make their schools look better and get more funding. Apparently gangs caught on and started using students to commit their most egregious felonies after they knew the cops had hit their quota. I'll bet the thing they want to cover up the most is that the shooter was one of those not arrested due to this earlier.

The state of the art in Animatronics πŸ”—

NCAA proves school is prison in court πŸ”—

Uses 13th amendment clause exempting slavery for crimes to justify their nonpayment of athletes.

USG rebuffs Taliban calls for peace πŸ”—

As expected, their pleas of wanting to negotiate with a Taliban that just wouldn't sit at the table were complete hokum, as they have been from the start.

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