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The latest media propaganda thing πŸ”—

Gotta tell the kids to only trust DNC propaganda

NeoCons: We're Classical Liberals! πŸ”—

Max Boot must be smoking crack

Weapons of Math Instruction: Mass Shooting Hysteria Edition πŸ”—

On the afternoon of Feb. 20, detectives investigated a report of terroristic threats at the school, where they learned that a student had been completing a math problem that required drawing the square-root sign.
Damn! That Al-Gebra group strikes again!!!1

AL Koproaches: If you cut off the tit, we'll railroad people for cash πŸ”—

Disgusting threats from the police gangs, as usual.

Speaking of Dictators... πŸ”—

Trump has Duterte envy. If only he had the balls to personally kill drug dealers, he'd probably be just as popular as Duterte, honestly.

Xi Xinping Dictators up? πŸ”—

Seeks to abolish term limits. Time will tell whether this succeeds.

BONUS: Apparently Xi's government is trying to ban funeral strippers. When I think about it, hiring a stripper for your funeral could actually make a lot of sense, depending on the friends of the deceased.

Trump chomping at the bit for Nork War πŸ”—

Promises yet more sanctions. The US Department of Fear's corporate parters are immediately on message with extremely bogus sounding agitprop. North Korea, as before, is sadly sounding like the voice of reason here.

BONUS: Trump also considering more Russia sanctions.

NYT "Shocked, Simply Shocked" at corruption in Ukraine πŸ”—

Just reading the first line here should be the tip off that this is agitprop against Russia, not really a condemnation of corruption there. TPTB are just upset that the Candy Man couldn't make good on the Russia war they wanted.

Yet another wave of Internet "Crackdowns" on Walled Gardens πŸ”—

While I understand some libertarian "influcencers" may be upset by this, I'm still of the attitude that the only way to preserve your freedom on the Internet is the original way -- have your own website. That way when statists exercise their property rights to advocate for lessening of property rights (even to the point of saying "LETS NOT LISTEN" to reason), you really don't care that much about it.

Trump: Let's sell more arms abroad πŸ”—

Watch the gun control crowd completely ignore this bit.

Zuma's Replacement: Let's go full Zimbabwe πŸ”—

Well, if they don't know where that road goes, they aren't paying attention.

What really downed that recent Iranian plane πŸ”—

Crippling US Sanctions.

Hindu Navy: A joke πŸ”—

Leave the hatch open, ruin a 29bn submarine

Chinese Koproaches: Glassholes πŸ”—

I guess they want the public to start wearing masks in public to thwart their BS.

NK "Hackers on Steroids" propaganda resurfacing πŸ”—

Man, TBTB are really reaching here if they are trying to resurrect Lazarus as a threat.

Pentagram whining about not being able to spend Slush Fund πŸ”—

Indeed, the whole reason this deadline was put in place in the first place was to make sure Congress wasn’t over-funding such programs, and to give them guidance on the sort of money needed the following year.
Man, whoever put that rider in the bill is the person who is really playing 9D Backgammon.

London Property Bubble bursting πŸ”—

Crash flag flying high for USA

DC Hero removes Speed Cams πŸ”—

I hope he is never caught.

Mueller Indictment: secretly a precedent-setter for censorship πŸ”—

Pretty much justifies Putinite coercive censorship via registering as foreign agents. In other words, what they really wanted out of all this has become clear.

Tillerson does what I expected he'd do to patch up relations with Turkey πŸ”—

Expect backstab to the Kurds soon, though that will likely get bungled too.

Israel steps in to replace CIA arms shipments to Al Qaeda πŸ”—

Jihadis: Oh no, murka stop sending gunz!
Israel: No worries, I got u fam

Ethiopia gets a military Coup πŸ”—

Minister of Defense now primary shot-caller.

Crypto crash deepening πŸ”—

Good. A lot of malinvestment that piled up in the mania needs to be washed out.

Garbage Avalanche kills 17 in Moziambique πŸ”—

Salvaging can be risky business.

Indian gov harassing those finding flaws in Aadhaar πŸ”—

Indian Real ID proving as bad as you might imagine. Coming soon here in the USA!

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