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US/Turks come to some sort of agreement RE the kurdish question πŸ”—

Whatever they decided, it's not good news for either Syria or the Kurds.

Martial law in Rio πŸ”—

Cracking down on the Favelas. It won't work.

Public School control <em>NOW!</em> πŸ”—

Gary North nails it:
The facts are inescapable. Students in public schools are at risk. Terrible risk. Unacceptable risk. There is no excuse for this any longer. None. The statistics are clear. Students get gunned down only in public schools.

Yet defenders of public schools never cease spouting their slogans about a constitutional right to taxpayer-funded education. They claim that this is guaranteed by the Constitution's general welfare clause. This is preposterous. There were no taxpayer-funded day schools in 1788, not even a military academy. There wasn't even a school at West Point. It was a fort. West Point was where Benedict Arnold had been in charge.

We need to organize . . . now. We need to go to the voters . . . now. We need to tell them what they already know but refuse to say in public: it is time to ban public schools once and for all. No more excuses. No more gradualism. Gradualism kills! In every town, every city, every county, every state, and in Congress, our voices must be heard. "Shut them down! All of them!"

Turks make major advances in Afrin, Idlib πŸ”—

Miss me yet? Apparently, if you're the media. πŸ”—

Jim Bovard throws cold water on the media rehabilitation of W.

USG: Kremlin behind NotPetya ransomware πŸ”—

Offers no proof, of course. Maybe they need to trot out Colin Powell again.

Individual sponsorship of immigrants: too good of an idea πŸ”—

This is how things would more or less work in a private property society. As such, it has no chance of even being proposed here in the USA.

M$ and Dell try to destroy an old computer recycler πŸ”—

They need to lay off this guy. He's doing god's work. That said, just install linux.

Tillerson meeting with Turks πŸ”—

Presumably about how the Kurds are to be stabbed in the back.

Barnes & Noble: being pillaged πŸ”—

One wonders what the shareholders think of this, or whether this was the plan.

Black Magic Conman πŸ”—

Bilk the Dubai islamic bank out of 890 million dirhams, and get in almost no trouble.

Feds: Embeds are copyright infringement πŸ”—

Lol. Outlaw iFrames.

Iran to become a plain republic? πŸ”—

Sounds like top Mullah Khameni supports the idea of a referendum abolishing his post. Would put the IRGC under the control of the president, effectively making the place a normal republic.

Zuma Out πŸ”—

Corruption still in.

Peter Lee on why Korea has become uppity against Uncle Sam's Nork warmongering πŸ”—

Being betrayed by the US by constantly covering for Japanese crimes.

Trump: raise gas tax πŸ”—


Somebody makes a wrong turn into Fort Meade, gets lit up πŸ”—

Totally not the action of an organization that has something to hide

VIX rigged? πŸ”—

Say it isn't so.

FRED suspends interbank lending statistic πŸ”—

Remember when they suspended the M3 measure? Expect chicanery soon.

Macron makes a red line in crayon πŸ”—

I guess he got behind a Libya-style NATO intervention, which it seems like is increasingly likely.

Netanyoohoo not going quietly πŸ”—

Sounds like he needs a good old fashoined war to cover his tracks.

The taliban sends out a peace feeler to Congress πŸ”—

They won't read it of course:
The American people!

You proclaim to be a developed and civilized nation of the world. Since the imposed government in Afghanistan is established by you therefore we leave it to your judgment to decide – according to your logic and conscience – whether the present system and its pertinent changes, insecurity, chaos and 87% increase in narcotics are reforms or crimes against humanity?

Your authorities proclaim that tens of billions of dollars have been spent on various reconstruction projects in Afghanistan. Of course this is the same money which is collected from you as taxes and revenues, but here it has been distributed among thieves and murderers. Do you agree that the hard earned money of your labor should be wasted on such a corrupt system where in only one criminal case, $900 million were stolen from Kabul Bank by corrupt officials?

Do you consider it the rule of law in American culture and lexicon where the first deputy of a government is a person involved in the felonious act of sexual assault on a 70-year-old man besides hundreds of other crimes against humanity?

Is this the civilization, modernity and rule of law proclaimed by you in the world? Were your 3546 forces killed in Afghanistan to establish and empower such a system? Can your scholars, intellectuals and unbiased analysts produce an answer to our questions?

NYT: Cyrstal Meth is "back" πŸ”—

It never left, you morons. Expect more shrill drug warrior shit to come soon, as it matches the current administration's policy.

Thank you internet Feminists: Work gets even shittier πŸ”—

One of the highlighted responses to a survey:
The #MeToo movement just 'concreted' the glass ceiling. Don't even want to be in same room alone with opposite sex."
I've known this was basically the case for some time. US relationships == unlimited liability. Now apparently flirting is too.

Trump to make SNAP even worse: central planning edition πŸ”—

the dumb socialist is now going to dictate exactly what food those on the dole will eat.
Hooray, we have breadlines now

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