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South Front starts making Yemen war videos πŸ”—

Not bad, hopefully there are more of these coming soon.

ISIS morphs with organized crime into the White Flag Army πŸ”—

Very interesting in the context of Elijah Magnier's piece in al rai, Iran is losing influence in Iraq. It sounds like the Iraqis have more or less figured out through the PMU that they're gonna have a permanent insurgency on their hands if they just let Solemani have his way on everything. Listen to Scott Horton interview him in the audio above; it's worth listening to.

Finally! A Quadcopter flying car πŸ”—

Doge was seeing this as being "the way forward" for quite some time now. Glad a chinese company is making it happen with the Ehang 184. Technically it has 8 rotors, but the article itself refers to it as a quadcopter, so...

RBS busy systematically forging customer signatures πŸ”—

These people sound like real winners. This is quite possibly the most thinly veiled plundering operation disguised as a bank.

In case you were wanting a more impassioned plea to be Anti-War... πŸ”—

Won't somebody please think of the children?

Lawrence Wilkerson: USA already getting lied to into Iran War πŸ”—

Glad to see this got in the NYT. Anti-propaganda desperately needs to be seen in places like that.

Trump: Let's have Military Parades like a Banana Republic πŸ”—

Those who did not expect stuff like this from Trump haven't been paying attention.

SpaceX's Falcon Heavy fails re-entry πŸ”—

That core booster approached the platform as planned, but it unfortunately hit the water going 300 MPH and was lost, because some of its return engines failed to light. Video feeds of the attempted landing cut out upon approach, and in the live stream SpaceX provided of the launch, you could hear someone say β€œWe’ve lost the core” but it wasn’t clear whether that indicated just the feed, or the booster itself.
2/3 ain't good enough. They'll keep at it though, the landing of the two other boosters was great.

The onion nails it πŸ”—

β€œIf we take away the people’s faith in this shadowy monolith exempt from any consequences, all that’s left is an extensive network of rogue, unelected intelligence officers carrying out extrajudicial missions for a variety of subjective, and occasionally personal, reasons.”

The bounties of rent control in Mumbai πŸ”—

E.G. privation.

Baltimore PD Caught doing more of the usual πŸ”—

Sell drugs obtained in busts to drug dealers in other cities and in general be massively corrupt pieces of shit.

Gubbmint Mandated electronic records in Medicine still a hit, I see πŸ”—

Old docs mostly retiring early because they weren't trained to be data entry clerks. Basically .gov is creating this future:

The latest Cold War II escalation πŸ”—

More Nukes in Kalingrad.

XIV ETF wipes out half of Credit Suisse's profits yesterday πŸ”—

What idiot thought it was smart to short VIX?

More on Abu Ghraib as a rape dungeon πŸ”—

And folks sometimes wonder where Terry Goodkind got the inspiration for Darken Rahl and Demmin Nass from.

How Twitter feminism is bad for women πŸ”—

Because it is thinly disguised puritanism of the stripe which likes burning witches, that's why.
It begins to feel as if the endgame of this project is not bringing to account powerful sexual bullies but, as a male acquaintance puts it, the β€œpresumptive criminalization of all male sexual initiatives.”

The latest about Wells Fargo being clownish criminals πŸ”—

Let us stress that the Congresscritters that called Wells Fargo a β€œcriminal enterprise” were on the mark, yet as usual, the bank has gotten away with a wrist slap. The fake accounts scandal was neither the beginning nor the end of bad conduct by Wells Fargo.
You can always count on Wells to do the wrong thing and get away with it mostly unscathed.

Funny correlation here πŸ”—

The "Financial Secrecy Index" seems to track pretty close to the "Human Freedom Index". That is no coincidence. The fact that the ranking wasn't based on their "score" in the Financial Secrecy index should come as no surprise either, as it is meant to be a bugaboo.

NOLA Gentrification Updates πŸ”—

Puritans still outraged that Katrina didn't wipe out the city entirely.

Russia not pleased about USA's new Nuclear Rules of Engagement πŸ”—

Hiroshima sized nuking A-OK on non-nuclear "extreme" threats. Presumably the ones that require "extreme" vetting?

The VASMIR story πŸ”—

Let's hope things work out.

Self-Driving Surveillance πŸ”—

All 100% warrant free!

Team USA Jihadis down Russian Plane in Syria πŸ”—

No wonder the USA wants more FIM-92s

Finally, an RFC for TLS on all E-Mail πŸ”—

I wish this endeavour luck.

Yeah, that'll work out well πŸ”—

Require all porn sites to be behind registration wall? Considering the stigma attached with porn viewing in normal society, expect the rape rate to go up even more.

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