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Turks to US: Stay out of our way πŸ”—

I'm sure Putin is giggling like a schoolgirl over the prospect of the USA getting into a war with Turkey.

More good stuff by Taleb on risk, and it's popular misunderstanding πŸ”—

Psychologists determine our β€œparanoia” or β€œrisk aversion” by subjecting a person to a single experiment –then declare that humans are rationally challenged as there is an innate tendency to β€œoverestimate” small probabilities. It is as if the person will never again take any personal tail risk! Recall that academics in social science are … dynamically challenged. Nobody could see the grandmother-obvious inconsistency of such behavior with our ingrained daily life logic. Smoking a single cigarette is extremely benign, so a cost-benefit analysis would deem one irrational to give up so much pleasure for so little risk! But it is the act of smoking that kills, with a certain number of pack per year, tens of thousand of cigarettes –in other words, repeated serial exposure.

Beyond, in real life, every single bit of risk you take adds up to reduce your life expectancy. If you climb mountains and ride a motorcycle and hang around the mob and fly your own small plane and drink absinthe, your life expectancy is considerably reduced although not a single action will have a meaningful effect. This idea of repetition makes paranoia about some low probability events perfectly rational. But we do not need to be overly paranoid about ourselves; we need to shift some of our worries about bigger things.

NSA deletes honesty and openness from core values πŸ”—

Appropriate, given they've always been secretive liars.

Vegas: Boondoggle zone πŸ”—

Malinvestment riding high once more

Reymond Clavel: inventor of the delta robot πŸ”—

Good profile of an important guy.

The Crypto crash: harbinger of general equity crash? πŸ”—

I'm not sure I agree, given people haven't lost faith in the almighty S&P yet. That said, if some of the bad bets on BTC wipe out a trading floor with major debts to the big boys, all bets are off.

Venezuela inflation: up 1000% yesterday πŸ”—

This is economic free fall

Pentagram commits act of war against Pakistan πŸ”—

Pakis none too pleased. If we thought Afghanistan was trouble before...

Norks: We're ready to talk re-unification πŸ”—

So long as outside forces butt out. HINT HINT Uncle Scam

Turkey arresting anti-war dissidents πŸ”—

"The war is waged to carry on the tax"

Chuck Hagel and Ash Carter: Also War Criminals πŸ”—

Afghan boy rape? #MeToo

GOP Rep on Sexual Harrassment allegations: Thanks Obama πŸ”—

That just doesn't make any sense.

One way to end the empire πŸ”—

Overextend to the point of breaking!

Political Illustration πŸ”—

USG back to handing out stingers to jihadis πŸ”—

Dis cant go wrong

Israelis jumping on the Turkish bandwagon πŸ”—

Carving up of Syria continues apace.

Remember: It could have been Ron πŸ”—


Acoustic Tractor Beam πŸ”—

Commercialize now please

Mossad's latest Gangland sytle hit πŸ”—

Blow up a guy's car when parked with him in it. Surprising that the fellow survived.

Sodium valproate: probably not what you want for Epilepsy πŸ”—

CBD sounds much safer than this shit.

NYPD Coproaches pissed due to less "Get out of Jail Free" cards being issued πŸ”—

Plenary Indulgence watch

MoA on latest Syrian moves by Turkey πŸ”—

Yep, Kurds gonna get fucked

If anyone is wondering why Govt. is Dysfunctional πŸ”—

Schumer said these pods are tempting for children to eat because of how they look. He then admitted that he has wanted to eat tide pods in the past.
BONUS: Adam Kokesh as the Tide Pods of Liberty

One can be forgiven for immediately being reminded of something Hazlitt once wrote:
But the hard thing must be said that, collectively, we just haven't been good enough. We haven't convinced the majority. Is this because the majority just won't listen to reason? I am enough of an optimist, and I have enough faith in human nature, to believe that people will listen to reason if they are convinced that it is reason. Somewhere, there must be some missing argument, something that we haven't seen clearly enough, or said clearly enough, or, perhaps, just not said often enough.
As someone who is definitely not an optimist, I think I can say pretty clearly "what is missing".

Jordan Peterson Profiled πŸ”—

A good summary article about the fellow.

Section 8 Voucher Rapists πŸ”—

That creeps abuse this position of power is unsurprising. How these guys haven't wound up dead in a ditch is.

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