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Israelis jumping on the Turkish bandwagon πŸ”—

Carving up of Syria continues apace.

Remember: It could have been Ron πŸ”—


Acoustic Tractor Beam πŸ”—

Commercialize now please

Mossad's latest Gangland sytle hit πŸ”—

Blow up a guy's car when parked with him in it. Surprising that the fellow survived.

Sodium valproate: probably not what you want for Epilepsy πŸ”—

CBD sounds much safer than this shit.

NYPD Coproaches pissed due to less "Get out of Jail Free" cards being issued πŸ”—

Plenary Indulgence watch

MoA on latest Syrian moves by Turkey πŸ”—

Yep, Kurds gonna get fucked

If anyone is wondering why Govt. is Dysfunctional πŸ”—

Schumer said these pods are tempting for children to eat because of how they look. He then admitted that he has wanted to eat tide pods in the past.
BONUS: Adam Kokesh as the Tide Pods of Liberty

One can be forgiven for immediately being reminded of something Hazlitt once wrote:
But the hard thing must be said that, collectively, we just haven't been good enough. We haven't convinced the majority. Is this because the majority just won't listen to reason? I am enough of an optimist, and I have enough faith in human nature, to believe that people will listen to reason if they are convinced that it is reason. Somewhere, there must be some missing argument, something that we haven't seen clearly enough, or said clearly enough, or, perhaps, just not said often enough.
As someone who is definitely not an optimist, I think I can say pretty clearly "what is missing".

Jordan Peterson Profiled πŸ”—

A good summary article about the fellow.

Section 8 Voucher Rapists πŸ”—

That creeps abuse this position of power is unsurprising. How these guys haven't wound up dead in a ditch is.

Turkey: Hell yeah we're invading Syria πŸ”—

Well, that escalated fast. Guess they realize their window of opportunity was fast closing to snap up northern Syria during the chaos.

Wind Tunnel effects on Animu Titties πŸ”—

Please oh please tell me US taxpayer money was wasted on this shit

Trump Renews NSA Warantless Surveillance πŸ”—

#MAGA 4 reals, lol. Amazing how Jones keeps getting scammed by the QAnon limited hangout while Trump continues to fail to drain the swamp.

The Coalition of the Shilling continues to "Win Hearts and Minds" πŸ”—

Civilian killings up 200% in 2017

The Intercept dribbles out more Snowden stuff πŸ”—

Yep, the NSA has the best voice recognition tech. Surprised? no, as this has been known for quite some time. Even the Intercept had an article on this stuff in 2005. Why bring it back up now?

Teen HACKER ON STEROIDS styles on the CIA πŸ”—

Mr Lloyd-Jones said that it was a common misconception that the group were hackers when in fact they used β€œsocial engineering” to gain access to emails, phones, computers and law enforcement portals.
As usual, Team USA opsec is so bad as to be useless.

Just in case you thought the Republicans were being Good on FBI Surveillance... πŸ”—

Indeed, Gaetz, DeSantis, and King β€” three of those squawking the loudest β€” voted to give the same FBI they’re claiming is rife with abuse more power to spy on Americans, including political dissidents. Nunes, who wrote this alarming report, also wrote the bill to expand the power of the FBI he’s now pretending is badly abusive.

Binocular computer vision devices reaching consumer level πŸ”—

Great stuff. Will enable a whole new generation of media.

Amish family forced to hook to the grid πŸ”—

So much for freedom of conscience. Oh wait, that was axed during the drafting of the CONstitution.

War with <em>Pakistan</em> looking increasingly likely πŸ”—

Fits the MO, ally one day, bogey the next. The Pakis are certainly playing along too.

Tales from planet Lovetron πŸ”—

Living the champagne life HIGH AS HELL on bitcoin. If that isn't a contrarian indicator...

Confucism comes to America πŸ”—

Need a new generation of mandarins for the empire, after all.

Kokesh arrested on day 1 of his POTUS tour πŸ”—

LOL. There goes that, I guess. It'd be nice to see someone like him light up a joint in a TV debate, but we all know it ain't happening.

Black 2 Africa πŸ”—

For opportunity, and to avoid oppression by the coproaches. Sounds like it would work out to me.

In case you were wondering what is actually going on in the Economy πŸ”—

Not Bullish, FYI. Call the PPT NAO

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