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Now Japan gets false alarm on nuke attack πŸ”—

Definitely gives more weight to the "predictive programming" angle.

Kodakcoin: No insider trading here πŸ”—

Give yourself massive stock grants a day before pushing hypecoin BS

Northrop Employee found operating Torture Dungeon πŸ”—

Why is it that all these guys seem to work for the government or MIC? Hmm...

UN Report: Iranian arms found in Houthi Stockpiles πŸ”—

Supposedly they came in after the embargo. Most likely it was smugglers, not direct military aid which provided these arms, but don't tell that to the NeoClowns.

Salmonella Took out the Aztecs? πŸ”—

Neat science.

Lenovo realizes their switches have backdoors from Nortel since 2004 πŸ”—


Syrian War Update πŸ”—

Though the war is basically won, they're gonna have an insurgency for several years, looks like. That said, I've heard reports that the Qaeda guys in idlib will be at least as difficult to roust out as Daesh was in mosul, so expect at least a year before that one's done.

BONUS: The qaeda guys are upset about no more CIA backing and sent a delegation to Washington in order to beg for more gunz.

BONUS II: Turks2NATO: Syrian Invasion time!

Urban Renewal πŸ”—

USA Continues their Kurdish farce in Syria πŸ”—

Now attempting to bait Turkey into invading, looks like.

Alwaleed on extortion demand: Stuff it πŸ”—

He's now headed to jail. Good on him for not breaking, however. Guess he must have had his dough stashed somewhere good for them to have not just killed him for it.

Some Uranium One indictments are coming down πŸ”—

Some expect this means the Clintons will also be indicted. Personally, I doubt it.

Corbett on this last weekend's "Missile Threat" in Hawaii πŸ”—

Predictive programming

More on Trump's flip-flopping on FISA πŸ”—

Yes, he likely was "incidentally" surveilled under section 702, just like many have been and will be surveilled.

NTY finds some real winners in the Crypto space πŸ”—

New wealth is a hell of a drug. Not sure this smear article would scare off any people of the YOLO mindset some of the examples here are though (so I don't really see the point from a propaganda POV).

Sibel Edmonds sees a False Flag threat in China from Gulenists πŸ”—

Sibel has usually been pretty spot on with this kind of thing, though it may take years for this prediction to "pay off", methinks.

More on how Online Forms suck for most of the world πŸ”—

Latitude + longitude: still the most reliable locator. Also, that "Plus Codes" thing is a really neat free market solution to "needing a zip code". Suck on that, state post offices.

Also interesting: sounds like there's an untapped market there -- if people could just figure out how to ship there, lol

Ice cliffs spotted on mars πŸ”—

Well, there's your colony spot.

Israel Bombs Damascus because they feel like it πŸ”—

Typical Israeli aggression. Most places would consider this an act of war.

Latest Trump 9D chess theory: he's deliberately pissing everyone off πŸ”—

Goading all the international community into withdrawing from the empire is one way to shut it down. Funny that all it takes is big words, and not the horrendous actions of the past century to make them figure out the USG ain't the kind of folks you want to suck up to.

The DEA's parallel construction factory πŸ”—

Just in case anyone thought USA wasn't the evil empire, see above DEA badge.
[Parallel Construction] In particular, is employed by a part of the Drug Enforcement Administration (β€œDEA”) known as the Special Operations Division (β€œSOD”), at least part of which has been nicknamed β€œthe Dark Side” and which the evidence suggests is responsible for passing tips to various law enforcement bodies with the expectation that those tips will not be revealed in court...

Dimon: "I Regret Calling Bitcoin a Fraud" πŸ”—

Definitely NOT bullish for BTC.

Apparently CIA and "Project Cassandra" discovered big Cocaine laudering op of Hezbollah πŸ”—

This article claims that Debt Brother O downplayed/quashed it to get Iran deal, which probably was not a bad move. About the only thing I'll say about this is that the Cocaine Importation Agency (CIA) probably can be relied on to identify any "fellow travelers" in their trade. Project Cassandra, on the other hand, sounds like some hyperbolic neocon sabre rattling org.

Mickey finally on Death Watch? πŸ”—

If so, hallelujah.

Hedges? Who needs em? πŸ”—


Bananas once again in Peril πŸ”—

There's a fungus afoot that is decimating Cavendish bananas.

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