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WD MyCloud NASes Backdoored πŸ”—

Some real "love" for their customers right there.

US Military Bases: Basically SuperFund sites πŸ”—

Yet more from the "guess who the world's #1 polluter is" department.

USA busy being banger trash in Afghanistan πŸ”—

Commit drive bys on random vehicles

Jim Schutze has good haterade for TX gov πŸ”—

As usual they're dreaming up graft projects, the more people it hurts the better.

Bell is thinking about automated quadcopter transport πŸ”—

It's pretty obvious -- it overcomes most of the difficulties encountered with prior chopper taxis.

Cliven Bundy freed πŸ”—

Case dismissed due to prosecutorial misconduct, like Ross Ulbricht's trial should have been. Cliven's sons antics at Malheur are yet to be resolved.

Ahmadinejad Arrested (again) πŸ”—

Man, for a former head of state, he sure seems to get arrested a lot. I recall people trying to bust him a few years back for Sorcery (lol).

Bernie and Wife to be Indicted πŸ”—

Well, he is a politician, so...

NYT Clutching Pearls about Mexican Freedom πŸ”—

Won't somebody PLEASE think about Muh ROOOOAAAAAADDDDDS!!

Incoming Fed Chair "Concerned" πŸ”—

My third concernβ€”and others have touched on it as wellβ€”is the problems of exiting from a near $4 trillion balance sheet.
Oh, you finally noticed that?
Meanwhile, we look like we are blowing a fixed-income duration bubble right across the credit spectrum that will result in big losses when rates come up down the road. You can almost say that that is our strategy.
Just tell us what you really mean, Dr. Gono

In case you missed it, Sessions wants to crack down on Weed πŸ”—

Just jail everyone

Sounds like Park Gyun-He was raking in quite a bit of bribe $$$ πŸ”—

Take 50-190k in bribes per month from the intelligence services. Feels good man

Roger Stone now pimping Somali Drone Strikes for Hillary Donor πŸ”—


Branch prediction in Cars via brain wave monitoring πŸ”—

"Dis can't go wrong"

Huh, an NPR story that isn't 100% uninteresting πŸ”—

Of course, leave it to NPR to bury the lede of the book you want to get: "Atom Bombs: The Top Secret Inside Story of Little Boy and Fat Man". Quite the pricey tome, but worth every penny if you wanted to make some Recreational Nukes, methinks.

South & North Korea to hold Peace Talks at Olympics πŸ”—

Sounds like a really good chance to make peace. Let's hope the Trumpster fire doesn't kibosh it. Nikki Haley, being a NeoClown, is furious.

$tudy: At least half of medical procedures unecessary πŸ”—

What did you expect when government is involved

Many branch prediction instructions & HW have major vulns πŸ”—

Meltdown/Spectre is definitely the type of thing you expect from Intel. They haven't been strangers to "red pill" bugs before, and I doubt it'll be the last time. At least it wasn't another F00F.

The latest silicon valley idiocy πŸ”—

"Raw" water.

Sounds like Lee Camp must be hitting a nerve πŸ”—

NYT and NPR denounces him, so he must be doing something right.

Marcy Wheeler on Why she left The Intercept πŸ”—

As suspected, though Scahill and Greenwald are mostly legit, it definitely is a limited hangout as far as management is concerned.

Rouhani did the right thing in response to Protests πŸ”—

Admitted he failed, said he'll try to do better. Seems like things are dying down over there, guess the NeoClowns will have to jizz in their pants another day.

2017: Safest year to be a Coproach πŸ”—

"War on Cops"... right

Cawadookie Player SWATs the wrong house, leading to Death πŸ”—

Both the officers who "shot first" without asking questions later and the SWATter should face justice, but certainly the State ain't gonna be the one to dispense it.

Trump deporting less Mexicans than Obama πŸ”—

My only hope with Trump lies in incompetence.

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