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Dress Code de-facto Decriminalized in Iran πŸ”—

Coproaches over there can't be bothered to enforce it anymore since so many already ignore the asinine laws governing dress. Sounding "too much like freedom", the USA promptly responds by turning up the regime change dial to 11.

Ross Ulbricht's Fate now in the hands of the Supremes πŸ”—

I doubt they'll bother to hear his case. Unfortunately it's his last real shot at justice short of a jailbreak.

LOLPropaganda from Saudi πŸ”—

Appropriate that all the military was speaking in english for the video, considering it would basically be a USA operation (considering how hilariously pathetic their army is). Looks like they made this shit with Gmod or something like that.

North Korea: Wanna blockade us? Enjoy Nuclear War πŸ”—

Sounds like a pretty good reason not to blockade someone.

A good explosion of the Shogunate as Public Security Model πŸ”—

Not sure I've seen a better "quick" summary of that period in the lens of "well, what was the outcome of the policy?"

Yellen getting the same Blindness as the Bernank did in 2006 πŸ”—

The way I read Yellen today is the way I read Bernanke in 2006 – as saying in effect, we are going to hike rates irrespective of how flat the yield curve gets. Is this how incoming Chair Jay Powell sees things? If so, the market is going to be very surprised and short-dated Treasuries are not going to be where you want to overweight. And let’s remember, Bernanke ultimately proved wrong on this one because we soon had a downturn, just as the yield curve was signalling we would.
Definitely playing with fire there.

How Banksters and the Patriot Act are keeping Weed Illegal Globally πŸ”—

Try to do this in a way that doesn't involve clandestine operation and money laundering? Prepare to get your bank shut down. As always:
The perverse irony, as the NY Times pointed out, is that applying US regulations intended to crack down on banks laundering the proceeds from the illegal sale of drugs to the current context in Uruguay is likely to encourage, not prevent, illicit drug sales.
"Working as designed"

Catalonia Update πŸ”—

President in exile thinks he won the latest hit against Rajoy, but I doubt this is anything more than "feel good", as Rajoy already made clear he's willing to invade to stop independence.

Koproach Kills 6 year old with bad aim πŸ”—

If a plebian committed this act, it would be a manslaughter charge, not a "tragic accident." The officer should be prosecuted.

Marines in Norway told to expect War with Russia πŸ”—

Well that's just wonderful.

Nebraska Coproaches totally Grinch someone's Christmas πŸ”—

Steal 60lbs of weed meant as Christmas presents. What kind of monster steals Christmas presents?

Alexa/Siri Getting "Sexually Harrassed", lol πŸ”—

Can't sexually harrass a hockey puck, but I guess you could stick it up your ass.

ICE to Separate Families now πŸ”—

The better to sell off the children into "white slavery"?

WaPo: "You Should Be Outraged" about Cholera Epidemic in Yemen πŸ”—

Magically fails to mention 100% USA complicity in the illegal Saudi blockade and war.

Portland's "Disgraceful Anarchy" πŸ”—

From the "I don't think you know what this word means" department. More like "Portland's Disgraceful Failed State"

Speaking of Pigs... πŸ”—

Scott Horton has a good interview with Raeford Davis. Nice to hear an interview with a reformed (read -- former) policeman.

Study: Koproach Body Cams don't reduce Violence πŸ”—

Better training on de-escalation and having Judges actually convict when they commit crimes is what would actually cure the "Police Epidemic."

War Pigs had a good year in 2017 πŸ”—

KRG Busy Killing Protesters πŸ”—

In case you hadn't noticed, there are no "good guys" in the area.

The key to long term memory lies in *deep* sleep πŸ”—

Apparently damage in the part of the mind that does a syncing operation during deep sleep is responsible for having bad long term memory. Interesting finding, and makes sense.

USA Blames North Kora for WannaCry Malware πŸ”—

Riiiight, just like all the last times they've been wrong about NK somehow having an evil hacker army. It's always a laugh, considering their internet is so locked down as to be useless for learning how2hack (that and the whole bit about needing to rise above being a starving commie first).

HMS Queen Elizabeth sounds like the perfect F-35 Carrier πŸ”—

Leaks like a sieve.

Houthis lobbing more Missiles over Riyadh πŸ”—

Yet again the Houthis attempted to target a big meeting of MBS' and his clique, but failed. Certainly considering the limitations of a Bukran-2, I doubt it would have hit the mark accurately anyways.

Mark Ames had the correct response to Sexual Misconduct Article in WaPo πŸ”—

Do what he does best -- savage mockery. The kind that is so well done it basically explodes the article attacking him. Most definitely it shows that most supporters of Lally's claim seem to be doing it for ideological reasons rather than evidence.

Video Manipulation Update: Fake Celebrity Porn πŸ”—

Brought to you by "The Running Man" home edition.

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