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Speaking of Pigs... πŸ”—

Scott Horton has a good interview with Raeford Davis. Nice to hear an interview with a reformed (read -- former) policeman.

Study: Koproach Body Cams don't reduce Violence πŸ”—

Better training on de-escalation and having Judges actually convict when they commit crimes is what would actually cure the "Police Epidemic."

War Pigs had a good year in 2017 πŸ”—

KRG Busy Killing Protesters πŸ”—

In case you hadn't noticed, there are no "good guys" in the area.

The key to long term memory lies in *deep* sleep πŸ”—

Apparently damage in the part of the mind that does a syncing operation during deep sleep is responsible for having bad long term memory. Interesting finding, and makes sense.

USA Blames North Kora for WannaCry Malware πŸ”—

Riiiight, just like all the last times they've been wrong about NK somehow having an evil hacker army. It's always a laugh, considering their internet is so locked down as to be useless for learning how2hack (that and the whole bit about needing to rise above being a starving commie first).

HMS Queen Elizabeth sounds like the perfect F-35 Carrier πŸ”—

Leaks like a sieve.

Houthis lobbing more Missiles over Riyadh πŸ”—

Yet again the Houthis attempted to target a big meeting of MBS' and his clique, but failed. Certainly considering the limitations of a Bukran-2, I doubt it would have hit the mark accurately anyways.

Mark Ames had the correct response to Sexual Misconduct Article in WaPo πŸ”—

Do what he does best -- savage mockery. The kind that is so well done it basically explodes the article attacking him. Most definitely it shows that most supporters of Lally's claim seem to be doing it for ideological reasons rather than evidence.

Video Manipulation Update: Fake Celebrity Porn πŸ”—

Brought to you by "The Running Man" home edition.

Russia Witch Hunt continues: Jill Stein accused πŸ”—

Kinda funny to see them turn on "their own," but then again, Stein did run against Hillary, so clearly a Red.

Mirai Unmasked πŸ”—

LOL, as expected. Russian HACKERS ON STEROIDS, clearly.

BONUS: Christian Bale Batman is trying to save the Internet. Good luck with that one.

Mozilla Does it Again! πŸ”—

I guess only 1% of the internet was around for the idiocy of the NN days? The only time Mozilla management hasn't been 100% retarded was when Eich was running they show, and SJW idiots ran him off.

Norway "De-Criminalizes" Some Drugs πŸ”—

It is important to emphasise that we do not legalise cannabis and other drugs, but we decriminalise...
What a jest. I guess as usual they intend to do it in the most ass way possible (as socialists are wont to do).

First decent clue emerges in Trump/Russia story πŸ”—

Looks like at least one of the campaign staffers was under the impression that Russia was handing Trump the election. If Mueller were actually interested in "nailing Trump" instead of protecting his boy Fetullah Gulen, he'd probably have looked into that instead. If this clue does eventually pan out, I suppose it couldn't be worse than getting the election thrown to you by AIPAC.

Media Gets it Wrong on Roy Moore Defeat, as usual πŸ”—

Matt Bruenig, if you'll recall, was the same guy who broke down Trump voting demographics. Interesting analysis, for those who enjoy that sort of thing.

Damn right, Judge πŸ”—

Glad he's still out there Gateway Drugging statists (like Ron Paul does too).

Quantum Computing with Traditional Silicon Engineering πŸ”—

Just use more qubits and employ ECC. Sounds legit.

VICE: Koproaches shoot twice as many people as they admit to πŸ”—

Only ~40% of shots from pigs hit their mark, but it's enough to average 1200 attempts/year. They sure are trigger happy. VICE says the true reckoning is likely much higher. As Will Grigg said, it's a Police Epidemic.

Twitter to ban statists? πŸ”—

Doubtful. Funny though.

Trump wasting even more money on the Military πŸ”—

Because the USA really needs a 692 billion extra in debt.

Dallas PD Capo: Millenials don't wanna be pigs, waa πŸ”—

Thank goodness. A police shortage is what this nation needs right now.

Political Illustration πŸ”—

SMBC is starting to get better recently. Him being a small businessman (and thus getting the HAMMAH from big daddy gov) seems to be souring him on the whole violent statism thing.

Israel's Argentine Plan πŸ”—

Sounds like a fallback base. Fitting that they succeed the Nazi legacy in that manner as well.

MBS' Attempt at "The Two State Solution" πŸ”—

Sounds like a shit sandwich. The question is whether Abbas will have to eat it, a la Boehner.

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