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Russia Declares Vicory, pulls out of Syria πŸ”—

Good for them. It's pretty obvious by this point that the Tiger Forces and Hezbollah can probably mop up what remains anyways.

Pentagram: Let's stay in Somalia Forever πŸ”—

"Two more years" when we've been in there more or less since "Blackhawk Down."

P-Bits are possible! πŸ”—

Reversible logic on silicon through usage of probability. Makes many problems thought only solvable through quantum means solvable, and will allow faster numeric compute due to reversible logic.

Cop executes man on knees begging πŸ”—


Oklahoma: use license plate scanners to auto-ticket for no insurance πŸ”—

I believe in both Texas and Oklahoma it's actually unconstitutional to force anyone to buy products or services such as insurance. They get around this by making it illegal to not have "proof" you are insured on you while operating vehicles. Which de minimis means you just carry a placard claiming to be proof of insurance. No way a license plate scanner can detect this; I can guarantee you every one of these citations will be color of law and invalid.

The misanthrope philosophy πŸ”—

Postmodern philosophy is a sewer of nonsense.

Maplab πŸ”—

From ETH Zurich. Looks super useful; gMaps could use this to flesh out their 3D models.

CBOE's BTC futures desk crashes immediately πŸ”—

errbody and their mama buying puts with 4x leverage

USG 2 Saudi: knock it off with the humanitarian supply blockade of Yemen πŸ”—

It's making us look bad!

USG continuing to prop up their man in Honduras πŸ”—

Banana Republic makes Banana Republic.

Congress looking to outlaw anonymous crypto πŸ”—

They finally figured it out. A shame most of the clowns using cryptos haven't.

Drone war comes to Niger πŸ”—

I guess the pentagram figured they need african terrorists to serve as an excuse to further oppress the uppity blacks here at home.

So now we're carpet bombing Afghanistan πŸ”—

Just like in Linebacker II, the goal is to disrupt the Afghan equivalent of the "ho chi minh" trail -- e.g. any of the mountain passes and so forth normal people use to travel to get things like medicine and food for their kids. Way to make friends as usual, pentagram.

RT G-Lined πŸ”—

Google actually admits it this time, funny enough. They've been doing this stuff for years.

Saakashvili up to more trouble in Ukraine πŸ”—

Got arrested this time! He's probably causing trouble for Tymoshenko. Ukrainian politics are a complete farce.

Ethereum swamped by digital beanie babies πŸ”—


Russia banned from 2018 olympics πŸ”—

See, they're not a sovereign nation so it's OK to bomb and kill them. Kind of how the USG treats every other country, yanno?

Trump on the Deep State: WE HAVE TO GO DEEPER πŸ”—

THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION is considering a set of proposals developed by Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a retired CIA officer β€” with assistance from Oliver North, a key figure in the Iran-Contra scandal β€” to provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network that would circumvent official U.S. intelligence agencies...
You can't kill the devil with his own pitchfork.

BAE's railgun is a bust! πŸ”—

But the round they made for it is a winner:
In 2015, SCO realized that the HVP, originally conceived as a specialized shell of the railgun, was just as effective when fired from a conventional powder cannons like the Army’s 105mm and 155mm M109A6 Paladin self-propelled howitzers and the Navy’s deck-mounted Mk 45 5-inch guns. A May 2016 report from the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment found that large caliber guns could fire an HVP between 10 and 30 nautical miles at Mach 3, faster than conventional unguided rounds.
Just wait until it gets miniaturized into an AT rifle round. No armor will be safe.

Maduro gets in on the ICO scam πŸ”—

With a shitcoin called the 'Petro'.
instead of a cryptocurrency, perhaps Maduro meant to unveil the world's first kleptocurrency instead?

How Trump got hoodwinked into empire πŸ”—

Supposedly a big pow-wow in July told him of all the glorious fruits of empire. I'm sure they neglected to point out that the Cost pro-rated across taxpayers exceeds their gross margins, which would make any competent businessman cringe. Nevermind the fact that the NPV of the empire is negative. The only appeal that can be made is "hey did you know you are immune to insider trading laws like congress???"

As always, presidential apologists are question-begging πŸ”—

Scott Horton explodes a virulent statist myth:
That’s why they couldn’t tell us: because their claims could not bear scrutiny. Because they were lies.

Abandon your false premise that the people who run the U.S. government care about you or this country any more than their sometimes-ally Ayman al Zawahiri does. They don’t.

Patriot missiles prove useless, as usual πŸ”—

Existing anti-missile systems almost never stop the warhead; rather they destroy the tube, which is no comfort to those who have the warhead dropped on them.

Big Doins' in Yemen πŸ”—

Saleh smoked by the Houthi within hours of flipping to Saudi. Sounds like they've got full control now; I assume nobody helped Saleh due to internal military intrigue combined with most of the people of Yemen hating Saudi 1000% at the moment for a variety of good reasons.

Story ABC broke that everyone got worked up about was wholly inaccurate πŸ”—

Considering the real story was about support for Israel, I hope the hashtag becomes #FakeJews

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