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Firm that bribed Docs to prescribe Fentanyl now selling Synthetic THC πŸ”—

Apparently it can be prescribed with no problems. I'm guessing they heavily bribed the DEA.

Pentagram "Indefinitely delays" Cluster Bomb phase out πŸ”—

"B..But we have no replacement that is as effective at killing civilians and causing collateral damage!"

Recent Israeli Airstrikes outside of Damascus Disappeared from the News πŸ”—

Sounds like the Israelis are attempting to provoke a war with Assad, but don't want it to look like they shot first.

Apple continues to Plaxico πŸ”—

They even fucked up the root exploit patch.

Macron: I'm not a Puritan, but... πŸ”—

I'm totally a puritan and am going to try to ban porn. Ignore the fact that my love life is literally a porn genre.

Truthdig Warning about Blowback from YPG πŸ”—

Of course, since they are "just a little more progressive, y'know" over there, the author devotes most of the article (after making the good point up front) to saying "golly gee it sure would be nice if we sent those Kurds some more 'Murica guns."

ISIS Update πŸ”—

Sounds like they plan to fall back to Libya and give up on Syria and Iraq at this point.

Flynn's "Devastating" Confessions: Trump Colluded With Israel, Tried To Fulfill Campaign Promises πŸ”—

Apparently the Russian that Flynn contacted was Sergey Kislyak, the a Russian Ambassador in DC at the time. Not sure it can stretch to a treason charge to talk to a diplomat, although lying to the FBI is definitely illegal. Anyways, the conversation Flynn and Kislyak had was about whether or not to condemn the latest Israeli settlements in Palestine. Trump wanted Russia on board to kill the vote (and hook up Kushner).

As far as "the real story" goes, however, the bit about Flynn getting paid 530k by an Erdogan associate to investigate Fetullah Gulen is likely what concerns Mueller more, as anyone investigating Gulen has a risk of stumbling on to the same things Sibel Edmonds did. If you'll recall, Mueller was the FBI chief at the time Edmonds blew the whistle on the FBI for covering up money laundering through Gulen-linked charities which wound up funding 9/11 hijacker prep.

USG still murdering folks in Somalia πŸ”—

"Clear, Hold and Build" is more accurately translated as "CLEANSE! PURGE! KILL!"

NASDAQ to offer BTC futures in early 2018 πŸ”—


Hawaii: Gun Grab for all Marijuana users πŸ”—

If you are going to do that, why not start with Alcohol users instead? Drunks with a gun have proven to be far more dangerous than folks high on weed, if I recall correctly. Regardless, banning guns for any reason is stupid, as it never solves the problem they set out to solve (unless the problem is proles being able to resist your despotic regime -- for that it works wonders).

The Kratom Genome Project πŸ”—

In case you may be wondering how this gets shared by torrent, basically joining the "Feen Torrents" club will get it for you, as I noticed it showed up recently in my archive of FeenTorrents.

Ed Harrison is seeing warning signs from the FED πŸ”—

I think this is the Fed’s real conundrum this late in a business cycle. If the economy is running solidly and leading economic indicators are bullish, the Fed is hard-pressed to not raise rates in an environment in which headline unemployment is low and falling, asset prices are rich, and lending standards have loosened β€” even if the yield curve is flattening. Aren’t they supposed to take the punch bowl away?

I don’t have the answer to that question. Time and again, late in the cycle, the Fed has indeed taken the punch bowl away. And the result was recession and financial crisis.

That’s exactly why this is the most dangerous period in the business cycle
...Or you could just END THE FED and not have to worry about this BS ever again.

Latest Project Veritas stuff is a Flop πŸ”—

Nothing really interesting.

Meanwhile, the Coalition of the Shilling's Partners are up to the Usual πŸ”—

Funding Jihadis, of course, would be "the Usual."

NYT actually has some Halfway good Articles up πŸ”—

Actual debunking of war lies. Never thought I'd see it from the Slimes. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising to see them having an article by a Reason columnist on the same day (admittedly not as good as the war lie debunker, but hey...)

USA Has Crocodile tears over Russia designating US News as Foreign Agents πŸ”—

Coming on the heels of them classifying RT as a foreign agent, the level of hypocrisy here has to be intentional.

New World Next Week πŸ”—

That one about the mengele science being done in pursuit of a Herpes vaccine is certainly troubling.

Looks like nothing changed in Zim, as suspected πŸ”—

Manangawa is a blood soaked monster just like Mugabe. The palace intrigue worked out about like we initially thought it would.

Coast Guard Operating "Floating GITMOs" in International Waters πŸ”—

So, you arrest people for breaking US law in international waters, then don't follow US law RE fair and speedy trials, instead just throwing them in a floating prison. No hypocrisy there.

The US Coast Guard should be considered kidnapping pirate scum for their actions and mercilessly sunk by any non-US nation when encountered in international waters until they change their ways. That would be the correct response according to internationally agreed to "laws of the sea", as it's always "open season" on pirates.

Microsoft "Sees the Future"... and implements Virtual Desktops again πŸ”—

"Tabs where you have all the apps related to whatever task".

Sounds exactly like VWMs have been in *NIX desktops (and even in some windows versions as an addon!). Of course, count on them to make it shitty and lame like MacOS did with Launch Control.

Well Footnoted article debunking Syrian CW claims πŸ”—

I've posted about all this in the past, but it is nice to see well done and footnoted summary articles like this come out later.

Wells continues to be clownishly bad πŸ”—

Anyone who still does business with them are bigger idiots than Trump.

Trump: "Why isn't Deep State investigating Clinton Emails?" πŸ”—

If he has to ask why on that, he's a dope.

Possibly Alien Bacterium spotted on ISS πŸ”—

Neat even if it is just another previously undiscovered traveler from earth.

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