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Russian Link in Shadow Brokers' dump: Smokescreen πŸ”—

As usual, most in the media can't see through their own biases in order to consider that the evidence of this may have been planted.

FED Bozos continue to think they have things under control πŸ”—

That's a laugh.

But hey, maybe it's not all bad news πŸ”—

At least parents are now spending more time with their kids. One hopes that is a good sign for folks not wanting to rob me in the future (due to not being insane socialist thugs), but so far that doesn't seem to be true.

Scarlet Fever on the rise in England πŸ”—

Makes sense when you realize the current occupants are more akin to squatters in the remains of a once free society.

The latest Police Insanity πŸ”—

"Eminent Domain" edition.

Thoughts on Thar culture πŸ”—

Honor codes like this are state-resistant behavior; what they replace in general is worse (slavery and oriental despotism). That said it resists the state in the worst possible way (making society literally poison to attempt to consume by predatory states). The author is correct to see that the welfare state does nothing but foster this behavior; Dalrymple's "Life at the Bottom" is the primer on this phenomenon occurring in the west. In short, the UK is on track to become barbarians squatting in the ruins of a once great society, along with much of the EU.

Vaccum Muscles πŸ”—

Sounds like the problem has finally been solved definitively.

Western Meddlers dreaming of ISIS in Thailand πŸ”—

Sounds highly aspirational

Detroit Getting internet via Mesh Networking πŸ”—

Glad someone finally figured that would work well for neighborhood Internet delivery and executed on it.

Reporters Without Borders seems to be US Quisling πŸ”—

RT, of course is pleased to throw mad shade on Reporters Without Borders, as that outfit called them propagandists earlier (which is true, but also true of Reporters Without Borders).

More on under-reporting Troop Strength by the Pentagram πŸ”—

Over 29k deployed in "unknown" locations. Riiight. Bunch of damned criminals.

Musk as Satoshi πŸ”—

That's a laugh. More likely that Musk's RDF is expanding.

Nuclear Fusion spotted in the wild due to Lightning πŸ”—

Makes sense that this would happen like that, considering Farnsworth's work.

Supremes to once again rule on whether PoPo can warantlessly surveill you πŸ”—

Expect them to bend over while pretending to dislike their own opinion.

Ukraine and Belarus catching each other's spies πŸ”—

Sounds like it won't lead to much, as both nations are already basket cases, but "diplomatic incidents" are always worth watching for war potential.

Pentagram: Let's keep reports on Afghanistan sex abuse under wraps πŸ”—

As you may know by now, the Afghanis ruling Kabul have long had a rep that would make NAMBLA want to come visit.

Duffel Blog continues to deliver the Lulz πŸ”—

Much better than the Onion.

Wilkerson on Coming Iran-Saudi war πŸ”—

Iran will respond probably asymmetrically. They will not exchange hardware with Saudi Arabia. They will send the Quds Force, now highly trained and highly capable, into the oil-producing regions of Saudi Arabia, where Shia mostly work, and they will stoke those Shia, and the kingdom, and Mohammad bin Salman, this consolidating of power crown prince will suddenly have a rebellion on his hands. This could really get bad. It can go bad really fast.

More admissions by Maidan Snipers about indescriminate killing πŸ”—

Still ultimately "that guy's word" about it, but it certainly lines up with the rest of the evidence about the event.

Pakistan undergoing civil unrest πŸ”—

It will be interesting to see what US influence is involved, though certainly the paki government is criminal enough to warrant protestation.

Political Illustration πŸ”—

Pentagram finally admits boots on the ground in Syria πŸ”—

Of course, they never count all the dudes out there "backing them up" logistically, etc, so it is highly likely that the 2,000 number is a lowball figure.

Sounds like the Steele Dossier may contain interesting info πŸ”—

Several postings by Marcy Wheeler lately on the subject. Definitely seems suspicious given some inconsistencies it is revealing.

ATLAS update: doing backflips πŸ”—

Big Doins' in Saudi Arabia πŸ”—

Palestinians thrown under the bus so they can get their war with Iran. Looks like this is the "deal of the century" Trump was angling for to solve the Palestinian problem.

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