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First new church in over a century in Turkey πŸ”—

Good news in more way than one.

Cambodia returns to being a one-party state πŸ”—

US meddling in southeast Asia has proven to be the gift that keeps on giving.

Meanwhile in northern Albania πŸ”—

Honor codes continue to prove more reliable than the state's law.

South Front did a good job on their Hezbollah Documentary πŸ”—

No wonder the Israelis worry about them more than anything else. With that style of organization, I doubt the Israelis would ever be able to seriously be able to consider taking over Lebanon.

Denver PoPo have been stepping up their Brigandry πŸ”—

Pretty sweet deal to earn at least $1,000 when making an arrest. Sounds like a great reason to plant evidence on every traffic stop. You'd rake it in that way, regardless of the bogosity of the charges. Next step is for the troglodytic enforcers to realize that if they explain that to their victims first, they might be able to earn a $1,500 bribe to "make this all go away" and let you drive off.

Hariri exiled to France, effectively πŸ”—

Man, some really good coverage by Anti-War lately. I hear they need more donations too, 'tis the season and all.

Pentagram: Afghan "Surge" MISSION ACCOMPLISHED πŸ”—

Of course, there's no mission other than getting more boys killed for no reason. The Afghan army predictably becomes even more of a joke.

USA: Our forces and Committments will remain in Syria πŸ”—

Just as with anywhere else, don't leave. Idiots. Meanwhile, Erdogan gets the Urge to Purge again.

CENTCOM Spying Archive found in S3 πŸ”—


MSM lies creating backdraft as usual πŸ”—

Every time a Russian television network or pro-Kremlin newspaper reaches a new low, it was once commonplace among independent thinkers to say that the Western media giants never allowed themselves such mistakes. Throughout Russian journalism’s post-Soviet history, faith in CNN as a kind of celestial constellation has been an essential factor. The archetype has been necessary as a model to strive toward or turn away from, and it will remain a key element in Russian journalism’s coordinate system.

There’s a thoroughly naive misperception that the people working for propaganda outlets are all hard-nose cynics ready to say that black is white just so they can make their mortgage payments. In fact, anyone who’s talked with just one of these people knows that any cynicism that might guide them is something entirely different: it’s not β€œI lie because of my mortgage,” but β€œI say what serves the state’s interests because that’s how it works everywhere β€” we serve Russia, CNN serves the U.S., and the BBC is itself a state organization.”

Hearing this kind of talk, Russians from the independent media of course always laughed, but time has shown that the ones who said β€œit’s like this everywhere” were right. At the very least, over the past year and a half, the Western press with its highest standards has gifted us too many outrageous stories to ignore.
It is the height of insanity that leftists packing the news organizations here would rather engage in this mass deception than admit they lost. Despite it causing irrevocable harm to their reputations abroad, and how obviously they've hoist upon their own petard.

Speaking of this sort of propaganda, yet another baseless RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA smear against wikileaks is out.

Fire the Cops πŸ”—

Sharpstown did, their crime went down 61% and they saved 200k hiring private security instead.

Latest on the BCH versus BTC action πŸ”—

BTC HODLrs feel vindicated, but the long term prospects for BCH still seem strong. Ver is still correct about BCH being closer to the original vision, as flawed as that is.

Showtime attempts to mine Monero on their Video platform πŸ”—

Really, this idiocy of mining in browser is not gonna work. To get any good work out of it, you'll noticeably slow down users' experience on your page (thus driving them off). Good luck with that.

ISIS retakes Al-Bukamal πŸ”—

Baghdadi supposedly sighted too. Won't save them, but certainly shows they can still muster enough strength to surprise.


Way to be the great liberator of the blacks, Obama.

Zimbabwe: Coup likely incoming πŸ”—

What this tells me is that Mugabe can no longer afford to pay the troops. Otherwise they wouldn't care about the purge of Mugabe's inner circle (as Mugabe is now trying to ensure his wife becomes queen after his death).

900k Cholera victims in Yemen πŸ”—

The insane toll of the Saudi blockade drags on to year three, leaving over a million corpses in its wake when you add in starvation and military action.

Twins in spaaaace πŸ”—

They naturally took the opportunity to study the effects of one in space for a year versus the other:
It made me smarter and more handsome than my brother Mark [laughs]. With the twin study, particularly, there was a bunch of experiments that were genetic-based. And there are these things called telomeres, which are the ends of our chromosomes, and the length and quality of them are indications of our physical age. The hypothesis was that with me being in space, and the radiation, and the microgravity, maybe the stress of living there for a long period of time, my telomeres would get shorter and basically older compared to Mark’s. What they found is that mine got better. So physically I got a little younger than he is, and then once I got back they kind of went back to their normal, preflight condition.
So, basically the guy didn't age while on the ISS. Amazing. Interesting clue:
So when the CO2 is at our normal low levels on the space station, it’s 10 times what it is on Earth. ...The Russians say that it should be high because it helps protect you from radiation
Interesting, reducing oxidative stress may give one time to recover.

Burn the Programmer! πŸ”—

Good explanation of the media haterade coming at the tech wizards these days.

RIP Sidney Schamberg πŸ”—

Heroic exposer of Vietnam betrayals. Nice to see more dirt on McCain also coming soon.

Bandar Behind Bars! πŸ”—

Couldn't happen to a more deserving creep

The real agenda on Mueller's Investigation comes out πŸ”—

Protecting Gulen. With stories like this, it does certainly line up right.

New Jersey's Governor Elect: LEGALIZE IT πŸ”—

Good news for NJ Weedman if true. One hopes they don't tax the hell out of it, but we know that won't be true.

"Black Cube" and Occult Symbolism πŸ”—

Sorry, but this one made me laugh. That's the only reason I'm sharing it. There's enough bad about the hollyweirdos without having to go to this level of shark jumping.

The CIA's strategy for avoiding detection πŸ”—

Look like someone else with your intel botnet. Specifically look like Kaspersky labs Thawte signed HTTPS traffic. Very timely leak, considering the recent smears about Kaspersky being a "shady" Russian hacker group.

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