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Man records and resists "recruitment" via FBI extortion πŸ”—

These fuckers are just as bad as the KGB.

Syrian War Update πŸ”—

Looks like the "Hot War" is all but wrapped up. As far as the guerrilla war by ISIS & AQ remnants though? Who knows.

Meanwhile in Jerusalem πŸ”—

The Greek dominance of the Jerusalem Orthodox church has achieved levels of corruption previously unheard of.

IME JTAG via USB achieved πŸ”—


Roger Ver's BTC update πŸ”—

Pretty much what you expect. Bitcoin core devs want high transaction costs to discourage money laundering & enrich themselves cause they're state suck-ups. F them losers, buy zcash instead. Meanwhile, I'm not shocked that segwit2x failed completely.

Yet another media attack on the tech industry πŸ”—

Jealous shitheads want to impose regulation.

More on Weinstein πŸ”—

Certainly hiring multiple detective agencies to harass alleged victims doesn't look good.

Fitzhugh: the honest socialist πŸ”—

True to the racist views of the day, Fitzhugh did believe that blacks were β€œweak, ignorant and dependent” on the superior class of whites, but his racism was part of a class analysis common to socialists. In other words, the benefits that he believed blacks gained from slavery should also be applied to poor, less capable whites.
This is secretly the view that modern socialists take too. While they will talk all day about the plight of the poor, they secretly hate them; this is why all their condescending policies actually serve to keep them down.
Socialism proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community or property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully and perfectly attains.
Agree 100%.

Public Schools: cams in the restroom πŸ”—

Gotta let them know they're in kiddie prison. And hook up the pedos running the show.

More on the War on Drugs as a Slave Raiding scheme πŸ”—

This time, in Oklahoma.

Said Hariri goes Missing, Saudis claim Lebanon declared War on them πŸ”—

The Saudis seem more rabid by the day.

Report on Houthi Missile Capabilities πŸ”—

An actually well done piece. Bravo!

All the Russiagate "evidence": paid for by DNC πŸ”—

So, bogus oppo dirt to fling, as anyone paying attention figured out a long, long time ago. Good article by Joe Lauria.

Quark Fusion? πŸ”—

Vaporware, like the higgs I would imagine.

Another day, another "smart" contract proves dopey πŸ”—

Here's a tip: no QA person I know uses online banking. If you knew developers, you wouldn't let them near your damn money either.

Libya: male rape gangs πŸ”—

The neocon hallucination is now fact thanks to their intervention.

Facebook: Give nudes plox πŸ”—

Dis cant go wrong


Raimondo gets it right on Trump πŸ”—

...the reality is that I doubt he cares about foreign policy issues enough to provoke a real crisis. Before he was threatening Kim Jong Un, he was telling the South Koreans that maybe it’s time to reconsider the US troop presence and that they’ve got to start paying for their own defense. What Trump really cares about is domestic politics: immigration, taxes, and infrastructure. Wait until he gets his hands on the money he plans to spend on new roads, airports, etc.: then you’ll see the President in his element, wasting huge amounts of money on monuments to himself.
If there's risk of real war, expect it to come from the State department and the CIA, most likely aligned with the Saudi crazies.

Yudkowski is all wet, as usual πŸ”—

Trust the expeeerrrrrts, they'll never go wrong

except when they do

Sounds like the latest Church Shooter got his end by a "Good guy with a Gun" πŸ”—

Chased out of church by armed man with rifle, assailant soon found later on the county line with a bullet in him. Pretty sure the detectives won't need a long investigation on that one.

UPDATE: Sure enough, he got hunted down and killed. Good luck getting a jury to convict on that one.

"Paradise Papers" reveal some details of recent Cayman Schemes πŸ”—

Shocked, simply shocked that the wealthy would seek to protect their wealth. Like the Panama Papers, will likely lead to no arrests but keep the progs stirred up long enough for the next NPR fundraiser.

The Bitfinex ponzi πŸ”—

This might turn out to be the mother of all private scams. Circles of money printing, just like all the Central Banks do with each other!

Rand Paul gets the crap beaten out of him πŸ”—

Pissed neighbor? Certainly good timing, which suggests outside influence; but having met Rand I lay the probability his neighbor had a legitimate grievance as nonzero.

Big Shakin's in Saudi πŸ”—

Lots of "corruption" arrests and a chopper filled with "inconvenient" officials crashes. Considering that this is coming on the heels of blaming an intercepted missile strike on Riyadh on Iran (the Yemenis did it), I suspect that this is about getting rid of people in the way of some bigger war.

BONUS: Hundreds rounded up. Confirmed for purge.

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