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Savings rate Plummetting πŸ”—


Hillary's Coup of the DNC πŸ”—

Was a good read last week. Nothing terribly surprising here, though good confirmation of what was suspected.

JFK Files: As expected, a limited hangout πŸ”—

Only 2% of the documents released, mostly in support of an already debunked theory about Oswald's trip to Mexico and contact with the Russians. Even the recent (and also highly suspect) "OBL Files" are better (as they are at least entertaining -- Osama an Animu fan? lol)

UPDATE: LOL I guess Osama wouldn't be welcome in Libya!

Fail terrorist only kills 2 in USA Truck Simulator game mode πŸ”—

Definitely not getting the high score that way. Supposedly 8 are dead, but there's no news on who is responsible for anyone past the two. My bet is on police overreaction mowing down innocent vics.

Pentagram: We need more blood for the blood god πŸ”—

No, you need to stop serving the ruinous powers.

Podesta and Manafort, Sitting in a Tree... ? πŸ”—

Taking money from Ukrainians, if Mueller is to be believed. If I were Mueller (and thus a sociopathic politician type), I'd use this opportunity to jail both big democrats and republicans, then fill the power vacuum with your own brand of cronyism.

FINRA strengthened, CFPB still a jest πŸ”—

If whatever system you are attempting to steer people into requires coercion, then it probably isn't a good system. Kind of funny that it is "no, you need to be in MY crony injustice system" though.

Bubble insanity may have peaked in SF πŸ”—

Hopefully it means the end of "aspirational pricing."

Catalans cross the Rubicon πŸ”—

Independence effectively declared. This is what I suspected would happen; both sides would escalate conflict to distract from their own scandals. I fear little good will come from this, though their right to secede is unquestioned.

Murricans starting to be afraid of the government πŸ”—

About damn time, they're the only serious threat to your life and livelyhood.

The US's history of election meddling πŸ”—

A great counterpoint to bring up when the Russia "truthers" spew their propaganda at you. And unlike them, you've actually got proof!

Declassified: CIA helped murder a million in Indonesia in the 60s πŸ”—

More blood for the blood god

Hoppe on the Alt-Rignt πŸ”—

They get the core insight that the whig view of history is false and that ideas have consequences. They are at least sane unlike the critical theory clowns on the left. However, they have plenty of dopey ideas too. Hoppe finishes with his priorities toward making libPar.

Pompeo: CIA to become "much more vicious" πŸ”—

As if murdering scores of US citizens and thousands of foreign nationals wasn't enough

Meanwhile, Daesh is crushed πŸ”—

On to the next big war.

MoA's take on the current political situation: It's a Junta πŸ”—

More or less how I've seen things for years now; R = Pentagram, D = CIA & State Dept. Just competing bureaucracies; everything else is window dressing. So needless to say, expect more war. Telling quote:
"If you want to go after General Kelly, that's up to you. But I think that that -- if you want to get into a debate with a four-star Marine general, I think that that's something highly inappropriate." - Sarah Huckabee Sanders

It is now "highly inappropriate" to even question the Junta that rules the empire.
I now understand why N. Korea is looking like the target -- Only WE can do Song'un (military first)!

Barzani goes bust! πŸ”—

Kurdish Independence dreams dashed; Jalal Talibani saw a good opportunity to stab the Barzani tribe in the back and become the new power in the KRG.

Math: White Privilege πŸ”—

I assume algebra is cultural appropriation too, huh. If people haven't yet figured out that the Critical Theory & PoMo Marxist clowns at Uni are off their rockers, I don't know what will.

How to use the Law to Steal: ICE Manual πŸ”—

#TaxationIsTheft, especially "Asset Forfeiture"

How to make Nixie Tubes πŸ”—

Manufacturing is a lot of work. This also required some non-trivial amounts of capital.

Obama's Russian Ties πŸ”—

Ignore corruption, sign nuclear deal. Feels good, man. Proves the usual maxim true of politics -- accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty of.

Maltese Corruption Journo Assasinated with Car Bomb πŸ”—

Seems the PM and others she was investigating were mobbed up with Gladio B. Considering how many reporters got whacked during the original Gladio, this can't be too surprising.

Kirkuk Stormed by Iraqi & Badr Forces πŸ”—

Well, as if the region didn't already see enough war.

Badr Brigade Commander: Kurds Worse than ISIS πŸ”—

Ladies and Gentlemen, start your power drills?

Jeff Deist Interviews Daniel Lacalle on Catalan Independence πŸ”—

The "pessimistic" take.

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