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Credit Card Debt at ATHs πŸ”—


Al-Sukhna Reconquered by Syrian Army πŸ”—

Seems their push for routing Daesh is still going well.

Also, in case you think this is only anti-conservative action... πŸ”—

Commies are also complaining about getting G-Lined now. Only the NWO brand of socialism is allowed.

Sharecropper on USA Corporate Farm forgets Rule #1 πŸ”—

You git your 'pinions where you git your cornpone. Any dissent with this will get you fired. Those who wish to work with people you disagree with like this must learn stoicism and forbearance with regard to vocalizing your feelings. That said, it is understandable that a group of people (techies) who experienced mostly ostracism in their lives growing up might be upset when told they're privileged oppressors.

But what about muh free speech?

Never existed. Never will. The law of the jungle is the only law, ever. Let none tell you otherwise and you will understand the Riddle of Steel.

BONUS: Slate Star's take. Relevant excerpt:
This is the world we’ve built. Where making people live in fear is a feature, not a bug.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Nobody has any real policy disagreements. Everyone can just agree that men and women are equal, that they both have the same rights, that nobody should face harassment or discrimination. We can relax the Permanent State Of Emergency around too few women in tech, and admit that women have the right to go into whatever field they want, and that if they want to go off and be 80% of veterinarians and 74% of forensic scientists, those careers seem good too. We can appreciate the contributions of existing women in tech, make sure the door is open for any new ones who want to join, and start treating each other as human beings again. Your co-worker could just be your co-worker, not a potential Nazi to be assaulted or a potential Stalinist who’s going to rat on you. Your project manager could just be your project manager, not the person tasked with monitoring you for signs of thoughtcrime. Your female co-worker could just be your female co-worker, not a Badass Grrl Coder Who Overcomes Adversity. Your male co-worker could just be your male co-worker, not a Tool Of The Patriarchy Who Denies His Complicity In Oppression. I promise there are industries like this. Medicine is like this! Loads of things are like this! Lots of tech companies are even still like this! This could be you.
In summary, read the book We for how the Gramiscian kafkatrapping future turns out.

More Agitation to get Thaksin back in Thailand by USA πŸ”—

Because they know their own kind -- economic idiocy is the hallmark.

CNN Plaxicoes its own "Special Report" on Russia -> Taliban arming πŸ”—

CNN Death Watch

Daily Kos keeping it Classy πŸ”—

Russia baiting without any real evidence.

Brexit "Betryal" Meme as "Stab in the Back" Fodder πŸ”—

Good to know the signs of potential Hitlerization coming. Too bad GB has been a Fascist state for the better part of the last century (so, too little, too late -- just like in the USSA).

Kurds & USA have "Secret Deal" to give Raqqa to Assad? πŸ”—

Not bloody likely if the USA war hawks have anything to say about it.

South Korean Intel agency admits to what is basically public knowledge πŸ”—

Yeah, we meddled in our domestic affairs, so what?

The UK "Ground Rents" Scandal πŸ”—

The only "scandal" is that some companies got too greedy for their own good and threw their good sense out the window.

The "Usual Suspects" offers "Solution" to Afghan problem πŸ”—

Waste money on DynCorp's ineffective services.

USA Killing Civilians in Raqqa πŸ”—

Dis can't go wrong

RIP Jim Maars πŸ”—

Still not gonna post much for a while. I'm surprised I could keep up postings for as long as I had, considering how busy I've been over the last few years.
In a light reading of the news, it looks like things are more or less as expected:
  • More economic idiocy from Modi
  • USA now smelling weakness in Venezuela, wants "regime change"
  • The Mooch imploded spectacularly
  • Coproaches still going buck wild
  • USA still hated worldwide for being shitheels (Russia Edition)
  • Overseas drone murder at ATHs
  • DOW at ATHs
*barfing noises*

Political Illustration πŸ”—

Pretty much sums it up.

Probably going to go on Hiatus for a while πŸ”—

Most of the news I've been coming across recently his been beyond inane. The Trumpaloes, while entertaining during the election season, are mostly just acting like Obama drones defending "their man" regardless of him being a clownish failure. Meanwhile, the left still thinks this clown is basically what the right thought Obama was going to be (spoiler alert: he was actually also a clownish failure).

Just listen to Corbett, Horton and Rudowski in the meantime. They seem to be coming out with solid gold lately and not habeebing the lies.

Temporary Hiatus πŸ”—

Expect light posting if any this week.

Man bags 820LB wild hog in front yard πŸ”—


Oxygen reverses brain damage in drowned child πŸ”—

Wonderful news. The child is a miracle. Was dead for 2 hours and came back.

NBC comes to Snapchat πŸ”—

Still painfully un-hip, however

How Mohammed Bin Salman's coup happened πŸ”—

The old crown prince was weakened by an assasination attempt, and the hyenas descended.

Macron: actually cutting budgets πŸ”—

Amazing. What is this guy's angle? Aside from being delusional and believing himself to be Jove, that is...

Kadryov: deport the gays πŸ”—

Very Progressive

Immunity of prosecutors encourages fraud πŸ”—

no shit -- the ring of gyges corrupts the mind??? who'da thunk.

Speaking of signs of a top... πŸ”—

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