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Good trolling RE TX bathroom bill πŸ”—

Pretty much sums it up. #Goodluck enforcing such a prohibition, much like with the rest of their crap. As usual, it's dopey posturing required by identity politics. Still, I'd rather them be useless clowns than the Stalinites they wish they could be.

Pussy Riot lead on Putin πŸ”—

Sounds like she "gets" the Russkie deep state. It's a mob, like here.

Great Soylent Review πŸ”—

Summary: Explosive Diarrhea

As usual, the newer generation's love for socialism is skin deep πŸ”—

Like, all my friends are socialists, whatever that is...

Yet another blogger approaches enlightment πŸ”—

If the citizens of this country can’t figure out they are being screwed and lied to by the government, another article from me isn’t going to help.

My frustration and disillusionment with a world gone mad has begun to affect my mental state. I’m losing my sense of outrage which has driven me to write for the last nine years. It isn’t worth the expended energy when it will change nothing. I’m resigned to the inevitability of economic collapse. It’s just a matter of when. Bloggers and writers who make a living at it, must write daily articles of doom to generate page views. Since no one can reliably predict the timing of the collapse, I’ve grown tired of reading and writing the same old shit.
Jim Quinn finally figures out he should quit throwing good money after bad. Pity the fools, for they know not what they do. He sums up the grim economic picture quite well.

McAfee: If BtC not to $500,000 in 3 years, I'll eat my dick on national TV πŸ”—

Lulz bet. Odds on whether it's due to BtC appreciation of hyperinflation seem even. Personally, I think John has made a bad bet here.

General Atomics gets a railgun πŸ”—

BAE gets some competition. I'm honestly surprised none of the Silicon Valley types has decided to disrupt the Military field yet.

Oregon taxing bicycles now πŸ”—

Left coast brain damage

Britbongs about to get real familiar with VPNs πŸ”—

Websites will be legally required to install age verification controls by April 2018 as part of a move to make the internet safer for children.
Barbarians squatting in the remains of a once glorious empire.

Jeff Sessions outlines his vision for the DoJ πŸ”—

I want to see a substantial increase in gun crime prosecutions...

I would urge you to examine every case that involves an arrest of an individual illegally possessing prescription drugs. Make a condition of any plea bargain that the defendant tell where he or she got the drugs. Together, let’s get after these bad actors...

In addition, we hope to issue this week a new directive on asset forfeitureβ€”especially for drug traffickers. With care and professionalism, we plan to develop policies to increase forfeitures...
Doubling down on the police state

Search for Insider Trading, get arrested for Insider Trading πŸ”—

But we aren't watched...hahaha

Great AJ remix: America First πŸ”—

Should be his bumper music

Another Chilean libertarian "paradise" πŸ”—

Get a grip on ye wallets libertarians.

Tales from the aussie RE bubble πŸ”—

File under "crack shack or mansion"

Deathbead CIA confession: We were involved with pulling WTC7 πŸ”—

Wouldn't be shocked if so.

Power out in Gaza πŸ”—

I'm sure that will de-radicalize them

El Chapo arrest only made things worse πŸ”—

As expected.

Tucker Carlson grows a pair and takes on the Neocons πŸ”—

Good, somebody on TV ought to.

Daesh continues to hang on in Mosul πŸ”—

Despite victory being declared a week ago.

Haitian who exposed Clinton foundation found dead πŸ”—

Arkancide? I doubt it -- he was probably causing trouble for others domestically and that got him whacked.

"Going long" on S. Africa πŸ”—

Buy the things produced there (PMs), as they will be experiencing shortages soon, due to socialist idiocy

Acid attacks in London πŸ”—

Londonistan is slowly approaching the character of an insurgency.

Kokpar in Kazakhstan: a microcosm πŸ”—

Trying to reconcile nationalism with nomadism is a bridge too far.

AMZN anti-trust investigations beginning πŸ”—

Bezos is smart, this is why he bought WaPo. He knew this is how the game is played.

Congress: A-OK to keep secret chemical weapons tests on troops πŸ”—

Really supporting the troops there

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