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Yet more Russia sanctions on the way πŸ”—

The powers that shouldn't be really want war.

Newest Tyranny from Clowngrefs: FBAR for Domestic Citizens πŸ”—

Have non-bank liquid assets over 10,000? Time for the BIG smile!

USA Only admits to 1 in 5 Drone Strikes πŸ”—

Pretty easy to get away with that when the US media are all whores spouting military press releases.

Fail Sniper Attempts to drop Congressmen πŸ”—

20 shots, fails to kill any. Not gonna get the high score that way.

87 Percent of Puerto Ricans: Who cares about becoming a State? πŸ”—

Every person who doesn't vote should automatically be counted as a No vote.

Clowngrefs wants to imprison you if you have a Sexting Teen πŸ”—

Guess they don't want a repeat of the Anthony Weiner thing. Easy to do when the person getting thrown under the bus with sexting is the parent of the minor.

Abby Martin on Venezuelan Situation πŸ”—

As expected, there are no good guys in the political sphere there. If there was, guys like Chavez and Maduro wouldn't ever have had a chance.

Texas considering invasive Per Mile tax for ROAAAADS πŸ”—

All the better to track you 24/7, my dear

What the DoD is up to πŸ”—

A belt-busting spending spree, as usual. What a waste.

Omaha Beach First wave: Way bloodier than portrayed in movies πŸ”—

Get mowed down before you even get off the boat. Moron commanders ordering boys to certain death. Conscripted boys scared witless. The day saved basically entirely by luck and the "fog of war".

Theresa May wants to Wreck the Internet in UK πŸ”—

Let's ban all non-gov't backdoored crypto and get a Chinese style crackdown. This criminal should be horsewhipped.

Farage on the UK election πŸ”—

USG using white phosphorous shells on civillians in Raqqa πŸ”—

From the "not a war crime when we do it" department

Jim Cramer now on Bitcoin Train πŸ”—

Time to jump off

First IME malware discovered πŸ”—

This is why you don't put a g-d backdoor in your chip! Like the baseband processors in SIM cards, this is playing with fire.

Wow signal: comet sounds πŸ”—

Interesting. Will likely not dissuade UFO enthusiasts.

Yet another real whistleblower: not at all covered by the news πŸ”—

Cause they only give a shit about limited hangouts.

USG: still murdering lots of Syrian & Iraqi civillians πŸ”—

Winning hearts and minds

Germany withdraws from Turkey πŸ”—

Next, NATO if they have any sense.

The only lesson from Reality Leigh Winner's arrest for Leaks πŸ”—

Don't trust The Intercept to protect you. Better yet, don't trust anyone. Also, if you are *gonna* leak, why not to Cryptome?

Montenegro Joins NATO πŸ”—

I'm sure Putin is pleased (not). If Trump really was a Putin stooge, this would have been stopped.

Kurds getting in an independence declarin' mood πŸ”—

One assumes Erdogan is apoplectic.

Uranium Producing Bacterium found πŸ”—

I wouldn't be surprised if almost everything gets made by *some* bacterium as a waste product.

Largest single arms deal in US history? πŸ”—

More like the usual hot air from politicians.

Saudi 2 Qatar: Shut down Al-Jazeera, become complete vassal or get invaded πŸ”—

Talk about a "choice". Guess we know what's next -- the Saudi Barbarians get to steal their oil and get a new province because they're feeling greedy/evil.

BONUS: UAE: 15 years imprisonment for Qatar sympathizers!

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